Other venomous creatures can be found on Australian beaches or within your SLS club. Some bites, stings and penetrating injuries from venomous land creatures may show signs of bleeding or result in irritation or pain at the site of injection. Bites and stings from these creatures can be treated using some of the same management techniques outlined in this module.

The pressure immobilisation technique (PIT) may also be used to treat bites from Australian venomous snakes and funnel web spiders.  

Cold treatment should be used to manage pain for most other Australian spider bites, tick bites and venomous stings, e.g., from bees, wasps, ants, scorpions or centipedes.

Call the Poisons Information Centre at anytime from anywhere in Australia on 13 11 26 for advice on how to provide first aid for a variety of other venomous land creatures.