The pressure immobilization technique (PIT) is used to slow the movement of poisonous venom from animal bites and stings through the lymphatic system.

In PIT, bandaging compresses veins and lymphatic vessels in the area of a bite, reducing absorption of venom from the area and thus delaying the onset of symptoms. It does not stop arterial blood flow (i.e., delivery of oxygen) to the area.


PIT is recommended for application to bites/stings by the following four creatures only:

  1. blue-ringed octopus
  2. cone shell
  3. funnel-web spider
  4. venomous snakes, including sea snakes.


  1. Send for help, additional resources (first aid kit and AED) and request an ambulance.
  2. Ask the person to rest while providing reassurance.
  3. Gain consent to provide (and document) treatment.
  4. Firmly apply a broad pressure bandage directly over the bite site as soon as possible.
  5. Apply a second bandage that starts at the fingers or toes of the limb and continues towards the body while covering as much of the limb as possible.
  6. Check the bandages are applied firmly yet not so tight as to restrict circulation.
  7. Mark the outer bandage with an X over the bite site.
  8. Immobilise the limb.
  9. Advise the person to rest and keep still.
  10. Monitor the person’s condition and reassure them while waiting for paramedics to arrive


  • Bring transport to the person if possible.
  • Do NOT wash the bitten area or remove the bandage.
  • Do NOT apply a tourniquet to apply pressure.