You are now ready to attempt the eLearning component of your course for this module. You can access the eLearning through the SLS Members Area.

You should also test your knowledge by reading through the following reflection questions. If you find yourself answering ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ to any of them, you may wish to speak with your trainer for clarification.

  1. Do you understand how the characteristics of each beach interact, determining how hazardous they are at any point in time (e.g., swell, waves, wind, rips, tide, underwater topography)?
  2. Are you aware of the common features of rip currents and how to escape one if you are caught in it?
  3. Do you know what considerations should be taken before entering the surf?
  4. Are you confident in your use of techniques to negotiate the surf (e.g., wading, dolphin diving, bodysurfing)?