Correct branding of our lifesaving red and yellow patrol uniforms is essential. Not only does it allow our lifesavers and lifeguards to be easily identifiable by members of the public and other emergency services, but it promotes our services as unified and professional.  Every member undertaking patrol duty must follow the same minimum and recommended uniform requirements, as well as conditions of use, as set out in SLSA Policy 1.05 Patrol Uniforms.

In addition to patrol uniforms, there are also uniforms to identify SLS members who are training, assessing, competing, coaching, officiating or acting as water safety personnel.

SLS uniforms also give room to promote our corporate partners that provide funding for our lifesaving programs to continue. It is important that we also promote our corporate partners and seek new ones to ensure the long-term sustainability of the surf lifesaving movement.

Be dressed in the correct patrol uniform and be ready to commence your duties as soon as your patrol is scheduled to commence.

Note: Limit the jewellery that you wear, as some jewellery can be a hazard.