This technique is used on an unbroken wave with a steep or vertical face. In comparison to the roll technique, punching a wave allows you to stay on your board and conserve more energy to reach a victim faster. You will need to practise this technique on different waves to develop the knowledge in relation to which waves are best to punch and when you should use the roll over technique.

Follow the steps below to punch an unbroken wave.

  1. Adjust your trim on the board as the wave approaches so that the nose is not lifted out of the water.
  2. Lift your paddling rate to increase your momentum.
  3. Grab the front board straps and drop your head and shoulders flat onto the board as the wave hits your board. This will reduce your area and assist you to move through the water.
  4. Start paddling as your body exits through the back of the wave to stop your board being pulled backwards.
  5. Check the conditions ahead and continue paddling.