One of the most important parts of communication is the first impression you give to the public and other organisations. Ultimately this is about gaining respect for your role in the public eye. Respect can be gained by having a good appearance, a professional attitude and good communication skills. But respect can easily be lost, and it can take a long time to regain.

Lifesavers are easily identifiable when in their red and yellow uniform and they should give people the message that they care. It is important that your dress and actions when performing in the role of a lifesaver convey a message of safety. For example:

  • demonstrate respectful and effective communication
  • demonstrate safe behaviour like swimming between the flags, taking care in powercraft
  • wear sun-safe clothing and promote sun-safe behaviour
  • wear water-safe clothing such as life jackets, patrol skull caps and helmets where appropriate.

Good public image examples


Poor public image example