The following are commonly used scanning strategies.


Group beachgoers in an area by their activity, such as swimming, non-swimmers, wading or surfing.

Head counting

Count the number of heads in the area, e.g., surfers intermittently visible in large swells or surf.

Hot spots

When scanning the water, be sure to always look at identified hazard including rip currents, headlands, shallow sandbanks, etc. A scan of the water should always consider above and below the surface.

Horizontal scanning

Moving from left to right, starting on the horizon and working back towards your feet.


When relevant, focusing on a particular person in the water and tracking their movement, such as a surfer or bodysurfer. This is useful when monitoring high-risk groups.

Vertical scanning

Moving left to right, starting at the limit of your peripheral vision and concluding at the opposite end of your peripheral vision.