Please enter the total value of all Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) assets, planned contributions and current contribution room.

Value: Enter the total value that your clients have in all TFSA investments.

Contribution Room: Enter the available TFSA contribution room based on the client’s most recent tax year. TFSA savings will not be allowed beyond this amount.

Savings: Enter the value of any planned future savings either annually or monthly as defined in the Frequency selection.

Frequency: Select ‘Annual’ or ‘Monthly’ from the drop-down to define the frequency of future savings.

Index At Inflation: To specify whether future savings will grow with inflation, select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop-down.

Auto Allocate: To maximize the tax savings offered by a TFSA, select ‘Yes’ from the Auto Allocate drop-down and RazorPlan will automatically re-balance Non-Registered assets to TFSA, up to the maximum permitted each year.

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