Report Logo
To upload a report logo, click and select your logo from a folder location on your computer. The selected logo will now display on the title page when generating your reports.
To remove your logo click the X on the right hand side of the selected logo.
Report Cover
To upload a report cover image, click and select the image that is to be uploaded from a folder location on your computer. The selected image will now display on the title page when generating your reports.
To remove the report cover image click the X on the right hand side of the selected image.
Report Bullet
To upload a report bullet, click and select a bullet image from a folder location on your computer. The selected image will now display in the upper left hand section of each page when generating your reports.
To remove the report bullet, click the X on the right-hand side of the selected image.
Report Title
This field allows you to enter a default report title that will show on all generated reports. This title will only affect newly created files and can be changed manually through Report Settings. Once entered click to save the title.
This field allows you to enter a custom disclaimer to your reports. This disclaimer will show at the end of your report. If no custom disclaimer is enter the reports will use the default disclaimer. Once you have entered a custom disclaimer click .
Disclaimer French
This field allows you to enter a French disclaimer which will be used when French is selected in the language setting. Once you have entered a custom French disclaimer click .
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