Game Play Settings

This section allows you to customize the following settings:

1. Double Factile. This option lets you play a sequential second game with 2 times the points. Learn how to set up and playing a double factile game here.

2. Daily Double. When using Daily Double, tiles will be selected to award double the amount shown on the tile if the correct answer is provided. Learn how to set up Daily Double questions here.

3. Tutor Mode. Adds a “Reset Game” button to the left side of the game board and allows the moderator to restart the game from the beginning.

4. Show Skip Question Button. This option displays the Skip Question button on your game board. This is helpful if you want to skip a question without deducting points.

5. Skip Final Factile. This option lets you skip the Final Factile round. Instead, when the game is finished, the final scores will be displayed and the winner will be announced.

6. Play Uploaded Sound in Questions/Answers Automatically. When enabled, added sounds to a question or answer will be played automatically. Here are some tips on how to add sounds to your questions or answers.

7. Mix Question Type in Choice. When this option is enabled, questions containing no wrong answers will be displayed like factile mode.

8. Allow Multiple Teams to Answer. This option allows multiple teams to answer one question. All teams who give the correct answer will be awarded the points.

9. Display Answer before Question. This option displays the answer to the previous question before showing the next factile question.

10. Enter Wager for Final Factile after Question is Displayed. This option lets players enter their wagers after seeing the factile question.

11. Show Final Factile Category Hint at Wager Time. When a hint is entered, this will be displayed before the players enter their wagers for the Final Factile round.

12. Start Thinking Music after the Reader Timer Countdown is Finished. The timer music begins once a tile is opened; however, you can choose to delay the start of the music until after the Reading Timer has finished. A buzzer will activate at the end of the Reading Timer and then the music will start as well.