In this module, you will learn about:
- How to upload sales data via the Day to Day calendar platform
Upload Sales Data
The Upload Sales Data feature is typically used when historical data needs to be entered prior to the integration of Console software; or when sales need to be adjusted for a specific day.
To upload sales data you will need to navigate to the Day-to-Day calendar within the Store Management platform.
To Upload Sales Data
- Click More Options
- Click Upload Sales Data
- Select Format
- Choose file type
- This should be a file you have saved to your computer in an Excel format
- Click Upload (Click Cancel at any time to cancel your changes and navigate back to the previous screen). Keep in mind that uploading sales data will override anything that may already be in the system. You will be asked to confirm your choice before the upload takes place.
Note: To view an example of the required format, click “Click here to view a sample”.
Related Topics
Edit Sales
Sales Data Snapshot
Options (for additional management)
View Sales Totals