In this module, you will learn:
- How to create new Departments, Positions and Tasks within the Roles management platform
- How to create new Departments, Positions and Tasks within an employee record
- How to edit Department, Positions and Tasks
*Creating New Departments, Positions and Tasks
To create a new user you will need to navigate to the Labor Management module and click Roles.
- Click More Options
- Click Add New Department
- Enter the Department Name
- Enter a Description (optional)
- Select all locations that this department should be applied to
- Click Save
To Create a New Position
- Click More Options
- Click Add New Position
- Enter the Position Name
- Enter a Description (optional)
- Select the Color Indicator (optional). You can choose to display this color within the work schedule
- Select all locations that this position should be applied to
- Click Save
To Create a New Task
- Click More Options
- Click Add New Task
- Enter the Task Name
- Enter a Description (optional)
- Select all locations that this task should be applied to
- Click Save
Creating New Departments, Positions and Tasks Within an Employee Record
To create a new user within an employee record you will need to navigate to the Labor Management module and click Employees.
To Create Departments, Positions and Tasks Within an Employee Record
- Select any employee already created, or click More Options and Add New Employee
- Click the Create New Department, Create New Position, or Create New Task links below each category
- This will open a field that allows you to enter text
- Enter your text and click the + symbol
- Click Save
Once you have created departments, positions and tasks, you will have the ability to assign them to your employee(s) by checking the box to the left of the created items. Employees may be assigned to multiple departments, positions and tasks.
Editing Departments, Positions and Tasks
To edit a new user you will need to navigate to the Labor Management module and click Roles.
Editing Existing Departments, Positions and Tasks
To edit a department, position or task within an employee record:
- Click any department, position or task already created
- Make your edits and click Save
Related Topics:
Adding New Users to the System
Inactivate an Employee
Delete an Employee
Managing Existing Users
Creating a new Department, Position or Task: How to create a new Department, Position or Task.
Importing Employee Information via the Unrecognized Clock-In Alert
Adding Employee Notes
Adding Additional Employee Information
Adjusting or Setting User Permissions