Unique capabilities Read more here Key Features of SMART Migration Not Available in Sharegate
  • Content Owner-Driven Migration and Restructuring
Within Teams, the platform empowers content owners to use their knowledge of the documents to rename and rearrange them as needed. This allows them to meticulously plan and execute migration and restructuring processes, enabling them to adhere to their personal timelines effectively.
  • Blueprinting
Within Teams, employ the platform to visually reorganize and amalgamate content from multiple sources. Construct a new folder hierarchy, assign metadata, and specify content types, among other tasks. Simultaneously, craft the desired migration outcome, allowing for real-time adjustments while the content remains active. Once satisfied, proceed to execute the migration.
  • Online Migration Documentation
Utilize Teams to maintain an organized repository of the detailed migration and content reorganizing setup and all associated reports, ensuring they are readily accessible for reference and review.
  • Multiple groups of people
In Teams, use Channels to let the right people work on moving and organizing content for their specific group.
  • Multiuser and collaboration
In Teams, multiple users can work together to plan a migration or restructuring while the content is still being used. Essentially, they can design the final outcome of the migration before it actually happens.
  • Bulk Automated Metadata Update
Automatically update the metadata on a proxy model representing the target migration, and review these changes before initiating the actual migration process. This is achieved seamlessly without any coding requirements.
  • Interactive Metadata and structure update
Update metadata interactively redesign the entire destination structure visually while content is in use.
  • Use Teams as a collaborative migration tool
Set up, execute, and track all migration and restructuring activities directly within Teams, benefiting from secure and modern collaboration. This eliminates the need for a single-person, single-machine application
  • Duplicate File Detection in FileShares
During the analysis of FileShares and the creation of the migration and reorganization model, our system identifies and reports duplicate files directly to Teams, utilizing the MD5 checksum algorithm for accuracy. A dedicated list view in Teams provides a summary of the suspected duplicate files, detailing their locations and names for easy review and action.
  • Handling of
    ‘Too Long Path’
A frequent challenge when migrating from FileShares is that the combined length of the path and file names often exceeds SharePoint’s limitations. During the migration and reorganization modeling, issues related to ‘Too Long Paths’ are identified, and elements of the path are automatically shortened to comply with SharePoint’s standards. Content owners can then reorganize, and rename files and folders directly within the Teams model, even while the files are being used. This process allows for the original file name and path to be kept visually in context, ensuring a seamless transition.
  • Streamlined Collaboration and Design
Transition from outdated methods to modern collaboration with Teams for migration and restructuring, eliminating the need for Excel attachments and email exchanges. Say goodbye to creating CSV files via PowerShell and embrace a more integrated approach.
  • Simplified Migration Management
Replace complex PowerShell scripting with a user-friendly, visual, No-Code environment within our platform. Enjoy effortless migration with full tracking and automatic documentation generation, streamlining your workflow without the need for programming.
  • Distributed Workload
Overcome the traditional human resource bottleneck by enabling multiple non-technical users to independently manage various migration and restructuring projects at their own pace. This approach removes the dependency on a centralized figure, facilitating a smoother and more distributed process.
  • Enhanced Security and Documentation
Secure all migration setups and maintain comprehensive documentation within Teams, effectively eliminating the risks associated with transmitting sensitive data through emails or storing it on local files. Our platform ensures that all your information remains secure and accessible within a unified system.
  • Elimination of Single-Handler Dependency
Our approach ensures that the migration process is no longer a solitary task dependent on one individual with specialized coding skills. Instead, it fosters a collaborative environment where tasks are distributed, allowing multiple team members to contribute without the need for advanced programming knowledge.
  • Obsolescence of PowerShell Coding
Our platform makes extensive PowerShell scripting redundant for migrations, as most, if not all, traditionally code-reliant tasks are now handled within our user-friendly environment. This significant shift reduces the technical barrier for users.
Unique technical Key Features of SMART Migration Not Available in Sharegate
  • Actionable consolidated reporting
Consolidated always up-to-date and actionable reporting.
You have a consistent and consolidated overview of where the migration project stands.
The reporting output can be used directly for ReMigration or
RetryMigration. Effectively eliminating all CSV and Excel sheets. Notice that you can secretively ReMigrate files to fix metadata issues etc. even thought initially migrated successfully. The consolidated always up-to-date actionable reporting includes:
  • What files are migrated
  • What are the metadata issues
  • What files failed
You have to develop your own bespoke migration automation tool yourself for each project in PowerShell and then use Sharegate as a callable function (CMDLET) in your code. In other word a complete application that a part from the Sharegate CMDLET functionality must include:
  • Consolidated logging and reporting
  • ReMigration and RetryMigration on specific files
  • Actionable consolidated status/overview ,across all job sessions, for which files are migrated and which are not or have issues.
  • Error handling and notification.
  • Migration control logic.
  • Data calculations and transformations
  • Data validations and resolving of SharePoint Complex data types (Users, Content-Type, Lookup, ManagedMetadata)
  • Performance optimizations for high volume > (25k files)
  • Testing and interactive analysis of control data and content.
  • Dynamic mapping of Content-Types, ManagedMetadata, Lookups, Choice etc.
  • Cherry picking
Migration where one or more data sources drive the migration rather than the source storage location – In other words: a list of files, optionally also versions, with or without metadata
  • Consolidated error tracking
Reporting is a manual task where you must “dive into” hundreds or thousands of text or raw Excel files. In other words you must create your own reporting solution.
  • Dynamic environment
Everything is hardcoded and tied to a single configuration. In many cases a migration task or data integration task consists of multiple steps that interact and take parameters. In Sharegate you have to start coding complex PowerShell to do any of that thereby totally compromising the simplicity of the Sharegate UI experience
  • Automation
All tasks are hand crafted and 100% hand held. Any automation must be custom programmed in PowerShell with no exception, compromising the simplicity of the Sharegate UI experience
  • Calculation/dynamic behaviour
Nothing can be dynamic, parameterized or calculated in any way.
  • SharePoint Query
No support for querying anything but file extension and modified date in a SharePoint Library
  • Data access and data manipulation
No functionality what so ever. The lack of any functionality is consistent with the fact that the environment is 100% static, has no automation, calculations or dynamic capabilities at all.
  • Migrate custom CMS
Combine files from FileShares with metadata from SQLServer and create document library items with version history
  • Data driven Migration
Use a data source (SQL, CSV, Excel, SP List) to dynamically control file source and destination + metadata
  • Restructuring
Break up large Libraries and FileShares and distribute the files across many SharePoint destinations with dynamic metadata
  • Visual preview
No actions are visually previewed. You have to try and se what happens by “diving into” the text based logs sheets raw sheets it in Excel.
  • UI for advanced use cases
Then Sharegate environment is 100% static, manual and hardcoded and offers no way to do composite or parameterized jobs in any form. To accomplish any kind of dynamic or automated behaviour you must code your own solution in PowerShell, totally compromising the simplicity of the Sharegate UI experience
  • Job notification
There is no way to do any form of notification for job progress tracking. or job results
  • High volume handling
The reporting and the way it works internally is simply not suited for high volume processing (>1 million files) or distributing content to many locations/sites (>500 locations/sites)
  • No Job Server
Any task can only run while logged into the UI of Sharegate. In other words there is no way to have jobs running unless logged in to the machine having Sharegate installed and having the Sharegate running.
Last modified: 13 March 2024