Discovery, Pre-Migration, Migration, Validation

Each «SMART Migration Job» is a FOLDER. The Proxies and sub folders within defines the job content and becomes the job result when migration is executed.

Section Description
Discovery Parameters for what source files to include when creating the Proxy Files)
Migration Parameters for processing the Proxy Files. In PreMigration no files are migrated.
Result The outcome of latest job run
Validate migrated files Check the existence and metadata of the source and destination files

You can organize jobs in your own structure, just cut/copy/paste.

Content actions What you may do with the Proxy files
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete
  • Reorganize – content. Move freely around within multiple models.
  • Create new folders
  • Copy same content to multiple locations or jobs
  • Delete files or folders
    It is recommended to place files you want to exclude into your own folder for example in the root of the Library, otherwise the deleted proxies will be recreated when you rerun the discovery job for incremental discovery.
  • Fix naming mistakes.
  • Make new or revised naming conventions in collaboration amongst the people in each content owner group.
Classification Set metadata of all data types.)
  • Content-Type
    Note: Content-Types must have been provisioned to the destination prior to migration
  • User, Text, Choice, Numeric, Date
  • Lookup
  • Managed Metadata
  • You may set permission on folders and individual files.
    Note: Referenced SharePoint groups and custom permission levels must exist with the same names on the destination prior to migration.


Discover what files are in a given FileShare or SharePoint Document Library and create a Proxy Document Library item in the Job folder as a representation for each source file .

When you rerun a Discovery then any new file is created as Proxy and for existing files the Proxy properties such as Modified are updated.

Filters you can specify
  • [Modified] From/To
  • [File size] From/To
  • [Files To Include] defines multiple wildcards like *.Docx;abc*.* that will include files of type docx and any file file beginning with abc
  • [Files Groups To Include] Refers to lists of wildcards specified in Value mapping in SMART Migration
Discovery form SharePoint
  • File proxies are created WITHOUT the source file version history.
    Note: When the file i migrated you can choose to include the version history.)
  • Metadata is mapped from the the source library into the model library using
    the column [Source Metadata Mapping]
  • AutoMapAllColumns (the default) automatically maps source library columns to the Model columns based on the column display name.
  • To override the column mapping make column assignments like below:
    [Content Type]=Invoice [MyTargetCol]=[MySourceCol] [MyTargetCol]=xyz
    (To extend include AutoMapAllColumns as first line)
  • Force individual columns NOT to be assigned by using this syntax: [MyTargetCol]=Skip!
  • Specify a default value to handle empty source columns using this syntax: [MyTargetCol]=[MySourceCol];#Default:My value
  • ManagedMetadata, Lookup and ContentType is resolved by label.
  • Each assignment must be on a separate line.


Test the migration setup to see if there are any issues prior to migration. Any file issue like unmapped user name is reported to the Issues list.

No content is migrated during Pre-Migration. Use this job to make sure you have the right setup prior to executing the actual migration.

The issues that can happen include
  • Invalid user name assigned to user columns like [CreatedBy] and [ModifiedBy]. Use the list to map source users to destination users
  • Wrong Destination URL
  • Permissions: SharePoint groups or permission level does not exist with the same name on the destination
  • Dynamically mapped metadata columns do not exist






The job runs incrementally and each source file is only created once in the Model document library by the DiscoveryJob. So if the same FileProxy exists in a different folder, for example in a MigrationJob the the file is skipped.


SharePoint source
  • File proxies are created WITHOUT the source file version history. When the file i migrated you can choose to include the version history.
  • Metadata is mapped from the the source library into the model library using
    the column [ModelMetadataMapping]
    AutoMapAllColumns (the default) automatically maps source library columns to the MigratonModel columns based on the column display name.
    You can override or extend by adding AutoMapAllColumns with column assignments like:
    [Content Type]=Invoice [MyTargetCol]=[MySourceCol] [MyTargetCol]=xyz
    You can force individual columns NOT to be assigned by using this syntax: [MyTargetCol]=Skip!
    You can specify a default value to handle empty source columns using this syntax: [MyTargetCol]=[MySourceCol];#MyDefaultValue
    ManagedMetadata, Lookup and ContentType is resolved by label.
    Each assignment must be on a separate line.

Duplicates detection only on FileShare source. Notice it will take some time to calculate the checksum.

Columns Description
[MatadataMapping] Set SharePoint metadata values.
AutoMapAllColumns (the default) automatically maps source columns to target columns based on the column display name.
You can override or extend by adding AutoMapAllColumns with column assignments like:
[Content Type]=Invoice [MyTargetCol]=[MySourceCol] [MyTargetCol]=xyz
You can force individual columns NOT to be assigned by using this syntax: [MyTargetCol]=Skip!
You can specify a default value to handle empty source columns using this syntax: [MyTargetCol]=[MySourceCol];#MyDefaultValue
ManagedMetadata, Lookup and ContentType is resolved by label.
Each assignment must be on a separate line.
[ReMigrate] Is yes, the file will be migrated regardless of timestamp. Use this setting to forcefully remigrate a file.

ReMigrate >>> mefører at ,,
Version history column mapping:
If columns in the model are mapped to the destination and the same column exists in the SharePoint source then the version history is automatically copied.

validate users job!

path too long validering. .. afsat bredde i modellen. dokumneter at bredden beregnes i valideringjobbet. valideringen lavers på migrationjobbene.

(lidt lige som user validering)

besriov default user.

SharePoint to SharePoint
The latest [Modified] and [ModifiedBy] values are retrieved dynamically from the SharePoint source file at migration time.
[SourceFileTextModifiedBy] in combination with [ValidateDestinationFileModifiedBy] to build the user mapping list within SMART Migration that will be used to map user names at migration time.
FileShare to SharePoint
the latest [Modified] value is retrieved dynamically from the source file at migration time.
Duplicates detection


Source mySite:

Source myOtherSite:


  • CreateAllFolders (default)
  • CreateNoEmptyFolders

validation issues list
dublicates list

Incremental support: Just rerun the model job and the new files will be detected across the entire library.

Recalculate the folder volumes: Just rerun the job incrementally then new files are detected volume and duplicates are calculated.

corrupåted files list

m,igration issues list

Private or shared channel.

valistion issues lisrt

Du kan lige pludselig lave en “agil” migrerings process” hvor du kan dele alle sektioner ind i individuelle sprints
Det åbner op for at kunne tilpasse migreringsprojekterne meget mere til forretningen
A way of having deep control
An Agile aproach to migration projects
Using the depths of SharePoint and the classification methods of modern document management
Letting the business be in the drivers seat and having absolute control of the outcome
Next level validation for absolute process control
Letting the business structure, enrich, and validate each migrated file before anything is moved
This way of planning and organizing migration projects can
Tailoring migration projects to fit the organizations needs without having to reserve huge amounts of ressources. This is a new way of planning individual parrallel sprints for your migration project, that serves the business and not strain the business

Use One-Drive sync to reorgabnize library using explorer

it takes 24 hours for unique id to take effect.

Incremental is handled by the last accessed compared to the variable ModelFilesCriteria

rowtag hvad betyder det mned write-back

source selecttion includeds last accessed , NOT only Created/Modified

Nårt man vil se de andre dubletter tager man checksummen i feltet [SourceFileCheckSum] og søger efter den .. valer views osv.

SessionId find entry in Dashboard

‘Training i SharePoint before migration begins

Versionhistory shows validartion changes

SessionID lookup in dashboard.

3 jobs
Create model

Run job


One job can include ProxyFiles from different SharePoint source sites/libraries combined with files from FileShares.
Last modified: 5 March 2024