Data ETL can apply “Retention Labels” to List & Library Items

Retention labels are basically polices that you apply to List and Library Items to define when and on what conditions they are deleted or archived.
Microsoft docs: Overview of retention labels

Retention labels are managed in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center under Classification .. Retention labels.

  • To apply a Retention Label just specify the name of the label in the DataTransport column mapping for the column Retention label.
  • To remove a Label assign the value <Blank/No value> or an empty string.

You can use calculations and conditional logic to dynamically apply different Labels.

By default the audit columns [Modified] and [ModifiedBy] are not changed, and if versioning is enabled, no new version is created.

The following columns relate to the “Retention label” technology
Column name Description
  • [Retention label]
The name of the Retention label. Assign this column to apply a Label. To remove a Retention label, assign this column the value <Blank/No value> or an empty string.
  • [Label applied by]
The user who applied the Label. Read-only.
  • [Retention label Applied]
The timestamp for when the Label was applied. Read-only.
  • [Label setting]
The binary flags defining the Labels behavior. Read-only.
You can query all columns
Last modified: 12 August 2021