Validate that the source and destination files match according to the session log data.

Did all go as expected or has anything changed since or are there any unresolved metadata for Content-Type, Managed Metadata, Lookup etc.

The verification is done using the session log data registered at the day of migration

Scope Verification action
[Modified] only Only the [Modified] timestamp from the session log is compared with the source file and/or the destination file.
All metadata All metadata from the session log is compared with the destination file.
Otherwise only the [Modified] timestamp is compared.
Notice that for source files only the [Modified] timestamp is compared.

The verification results are applied to the tables behind internal database view migrated_files.

What the verification process do:
  • Verify the file existence on both source and destination.
  • Compare the timestamps (the column [Modified]).
    Verification results: ExistIdentical, ExistOlder, ExistNewer, NotExist, Error are applied to the columns: [verify_source_result] , [verify_destination_result]
How to set up the process of Final validation is as follows:
  • in a DataETL/For-Each Step select Internal database source and the
    database view migrated_files.
  • Set your filter/criteria for what file copy actions you want to verify.
  • Select the scope for the verification action you want to perform.
  • Run the Step
Column Purpose
verify_destination_datetime Timestamp for when the destination file existence was verified
and the [Modified] columns compared with the session log data
verify_destination_result Values: ExistIdentical , ExistOlder , ExistNewer , NotExist , Error
verify_destination_message The value Ok or the error message returned form the destination FileShare or SharePoint site during validation.
verify_destination_library The destination SharePoint Document Library URL. If the source is FileShare then this column is blank.
verify_metadata_datetime Timestamp for when the destination metadata was verified with the information in the session log
verify_metadata_result The values Identical , Mismatch or the validation mismatches i.e. the column names and values that are not identical
verify_metadata_message The value Ok or the validation mismatches i.e. the column names and values that are not identical
verify_source_datetime Timestamp for when the source file existence was verified
and the [Modified] columns compared with the session log data
verify_source_result Values: ExistIdentical, ExistOlder, ExistNewer, NotExist, Error
verify_source_message The value Ok or the error message returned form the source FileShare or SharePoint site during validation.
verify_source_library The source SharePoint Document Library URL. If the source is FileShare then this column is blank.
verify_job_id The internal job_id in the session log.
verify_source_modified The current value for the source file’s [Modified] at the time the validation is performed.
verify_destinatopm_modified The current value for the destination file’s [Modified] at the time the validation is performed.
Last modified: 18 September 2023