To connect to Azure Blob Storage

  • In the Azure portal, create or identify a Microsoft Storage Account.
    Remember NOT to enable hierarchical namespace.
  • In the storage account create any number of containers to work with
  • Create a Shared Access Signature also known as SAS Token for the account. Remember to set the expiry date and optionally the allowed IP address.
    Click the button Generate SAS and connect string and then copy the SAS token
  • In SMART Migration create a Connection and specify your
    Account name and the SAS Token you created.
    Over time when you add or delete Containers be sure to refresh the Connection for the changes to take effect. You can specify 10 Index tag names to work with. The limit of 10 is the maximum number of tags any one blob can contain.
    You can create multiple Connections to the same Account having different sets of index tags.

DataETL support

FileManagement support

Last modified: 23 August 2024