Get Site Title and write it to the SMART Migration Session Log

$FlowConnectionUrl@ = Get-FlowSPConnection -Name "[<ctest>]" -Property Url                          # Get the Url from the SharePoint Connection.
$FlowAppId = Get-FlowSPConnection -Name "[<ctest>]" -Property AppId                        # Get the AppId from the SharePoint Connection.
$FlowAppSecret = Get-FlowSPConnection -Name "[<ctest>]" -Property AppSecret                    # Get the AppSecret from the SharePoint Connection.
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $FlowConnectionUrl -ClientId $FlowAppId -ClientSecret $FlowAppSecret        # Connect to the SharePoint Site
$web = Get-PnPWeb
Add-FlowLogRow -LogType "Information" -Message $web.Title
Add-FlowLogRow -LogType "Information" -Message "I'm taking a break :-)"
bc. Add-FlowLogRow -LogType "Information" -Message "Going to sleep for 10 seconds..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Add-FlowLogRow -LogType "Information" -Message "OK .. move on.."

Get user input

$Text = Read-Host "Type something:"
Add-FlowLogRow -LogType "Information" -Message $Text
Last modified: 4 August 2022