The cornerstone in Automation

Run Step For-Each row in any data set

The For-Each construct is the cornerstone of any automation setup.
Use it to loop through a data set.

The values from the columns in each row becomes variables.
You can use variables for making dynamic URL/UNC or data assignments when migrating files and when creating or updating SharePoint items or database rows.

The data set to loop can be Items from a SharePoint list, rows from a csv or excel file or records from a database.
You can apply filters to retrieve only the Items/rows you need.

To do actions with the variables for each line in the data set, you connect a Step such as a FileManagement, DataETL, PowerShell or a Group of Steps.
Then click “Run” and the connected Step is called For-Each row in the data set. Prior to the call the Variables the representing each column are populated.

A record in the session log is created for each row in the data set, so you can track the values that are being used in the connected Steps.

Last modified: 22 July 2022