Case() Tests the values of a column or expression and returns values based on the results of the test.
If() Evaluates a condition and returns a value based on that condition.
isNull() Test if the value of an expression is null.
Asc() Converts the first character of a string to its Unicode code point. A Unicode code point is the numerical integer value given to a Unicode character.
Char() Converts an integer to a Unicode character.
CharNewLine() Return the 2 characters Carriage Return NewLine
CharTab() Return the TAB character.
ExtractMetadataColumn() Extract column values from the session log for use in re-migration setups
Fill() Builds a string of the specified length by repeating the specified characters until the result string is long enough.
IndexValue() Returns a value form a delimited list based on an index.
LeftTrim() Remove spaces from the beginning of a string.
LeftTrimChar() Remove specific characters from the beginningof a string.
LastPos() Finds the last position of a target string in a source string.
Mid() Obtains a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string.
Pos() Finds one string within another string.
Replace() Replaces a portion of one string with another.
ReplaceAll() Replaces all occurrences of a string with another string. (Non case sensitive)
ReplaceTextInFile() Replaces all occurrences of a string with a text file. (Non case sensitive)
Right() Obtains a specified number of characters from the end of a string.
RightTrim() Remove spaces from the end of a string.
RightTrimChar() Remove specific characters from the end of a string.
Space() Builds a string of the specified length whose value consists of spaces.
String() Converts data to a string formated according to a specified format mask.
Trim() Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string
TrimChar() Remove specific leading and trailing characters from a string
Upper() Converts all characters in a string to uppercase letters.
WordCap() Sets the first letter of each word in a string to a capital letter and all other letters to lowercase (for example, ROBERT E. LEE would be Robert E. Lee).
Date and Time
Date() Converts a string whose value is a valid date to a value of datatype date.
DateTime() Combines a date and a time value into a DateTime value.
Day() Obtains the day number of the month in a date value.
DayName() Gets the day of the week in a date value and returns the weekday’s name.
DayNameLocal() Gets the day of the week in a date value and returns the weekday’s name in localized language.
DayNumber() Gets the day of the week of a date value and returns the number of the weekday.
DaysAfter() Gets the number of days one date occurs after another.
FirstDayOfMonth Returns the first day of the month.
FirstDayOfWeekISO Get the first day of the week as a date data type. (ISO standard).
FirstDayOfWeekUS Get the first day of the week as a date data type. (US standard)
Hour() Obtains the hour in n time value. The hour is based on a 24-hour clock.
HoursAfter() Obtains the number of hours one datetime occurs after another.
IsDate() Tests whether a string value is a valid date.
LastDayOfMonth() Return the last day of the month as a date data type.
LastDayOfWeekISO() Return the last day of the week as a date data type. (ISO standard)
LastDayOfWeekUS() Return the last day of the week as a date data type. (US standard)
Minute() Obtains the number of minutes in the minutes portion of a time value.
Month() Gets the month of a date value.
MonthsAfter() Return the number of months one date occurs after another.
MonthName() Obtains the month of a date value and returns the month’s name.
MonthNameN() Return the month’s name based on the months number (1-12)
Now() Obtains the current time based on the system time of the client machine.
RelativeDate() Obtains the date that occurs a specified number of days after or before another date.
RelativeMonth() Obtains the date that occurs a specified number of months after or before another date.
RelativeTime() Obtains a time that occurs a specified number of seconds after or before another time within a 24-hour period.
RelativeYear() Obtains the date that occurs a specified number of years after or before another date.
Second() Obtains the number of seconds in the seconds portion of a time value.
SecondsAfter() Gets the number of seconds one time occurs after another.
SecondsAfterDateTime() Gets the number of seconds one datetime occurs after another.
Time() Converts a string to a time datatype.
Today() Obtains the system date and time.
Year() Gets the year of a date value.
YearsAfter() Return the number of years one date occurs after another.
WeekNumberISO() Return the week number of a date value. (ISO standard)
WeekNumberUS() Return the week number of a date value. (ISO standard)
Dec() Converts the value of a string to a decimal.
IsNumber() Reports whether the value of a string is a number.
Mod() Obtains the remainder (modulus) of a division operation.
Number() Converts a string to a number.
Rand() Obtains a random whole number between 1 and a specified upper limit.
Round() Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places.
Truncate() Truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places.
FileCheckSum() Calculate the check sum/hash value of a file.
FileExist() Test to see if a file exists.
GetFolderCreated() The datetime for when a folder was created.
GetFolderModified() The datetime for when a folder was last modified.
GetFileNamePart() Returns a named part of the file name or path
ReadTextFile() Read the contents of a text file into memory.
RemoveIllegalCharactersFromFileName() Replace all illegal characters from a file name with space
GetSharePointLibraryURL() The root of the Library from a URL that can contain folders
SharePointPlatform() Return the current SharePoint platform
Last modified: 12 December 2023