Text |
Asc() |
Converts the first character of a string to its Unicode code point. A Unicode code point is the numerical integer value given to a Unicode character. |
Char() |
Converts an integer to a Unicode character. |
CharNewLine() |
Return the 2 characters Carriage Return NewLine |
CharTab() |
Return the TAB character. |
ExtractMetadataColumn() |
Extract column values from the session log for use in re-migration setups |
Fill() |
Builds a string of the specified length by repeating the specified characters until the result string is long enough. |
IndexValue() |
Returns a value form a delimited list based on an index. |
LeftTrim() |
Remove spaces from the beginning of a string. |
LeftTrimChar() |
Remove specific characters from the beginningof a string. |
LastPos() |
Finds the last position of a target string in a source string. |
Mid() |
Obtains a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string. |
Pos() |
Finds one string within another string. |
Replace() |
Replaces a portion of one string with another. |
ReplaceAll() |
Replaces all occurrences of a string with another string. (Non case sensitive) |
ReplaceTextInFile() |
Replaces all occurrences of a string with a text file. (Non case sensitive) |
Right() |
Obtains a specified number of characters from the end of a string. |
RightTrim() |
Remove spaces from the end of a string. |
RightTrimChar() |
Remove specific characters from the end of a string. |
Space() |
Builds a string of the specified length whose value consists of spaces. |
String() |
Converts data to a string formated according to a specified format mask. |
Trim() |
Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string |
TrimChar() |
Remove specific leading and trailing characters from a string |
Upper() |
Converts all characters in a string to uppercase letters. |
WordCap() |
Sets the first letter of each word in a string to a capital letter and all other letters to lowercase (for example, ROBERT E. LEE would be Robert E. Lee). |
Date and Time |
Date() |
Converts a string whose value is a valid date to a value of datatype date. |
DateTime() |
Combines a date and a time value into a DateTime value. |
Day() |
Obtains the day number of the month in a date value. |
DayName() |
Gets the day of the week in a date value and returns the weekday’s name. |
DayNameLocal() |
Gets the day of the week in a date value and returns the weekday’s name in localized language. |
DayNumber() |
Gets the day of the week of a date value and returns the number of the weekday. |
DaysAfter() |
Gets the number of days one date occurs after another. |
FirstDayOfMonth |
Returns the first day of the month. |
FirstDayOfWeekISO |
Get the first day of the week as a date data type. (ISO standard). |
FirstDayOfWeekUS |
Get the first day of the week as a date data type. (US standard) |
Hour() |
Obtains the hour in n time value. The hour is based on a 24-hour clock. |
HoursAfter() |
Obtains the number of hours one datetime occurs after another. |
IsDate() |
Tests whether a string value is a valid date. |
LastDayOfMonth() |
Return the last day of the month as a date data type. |
LastDayOfWeekISO() |
Return the last day of the week as a date data type. (ISO standard) |
LastDayOfWeekUS() |
Return the last day of the week as a date data type. (US standard) |
Minute() |
Obtains the number of minutes in the minutes portion of a time value. |
Month() |
Gets the month of a date value. |
MonthsAfter() |
Return the number of months one date occurs after another. |
MonthName() |
Obtains the month of a date value and returns the month’s name. |
MonthNameN() |
Return the month’s name based on the months number (1-12) |
Now() |
Obtains the current time based on the system time of the client machine. |
RelativeDate() |
Obtains the date that occurs a specified number of days after or before another date. |
RelativeMonth() |
Obtains the date that occurs a specified number of months after or before another date. |
RelativeTime() |
Obtains a time that occurs a specified number of seconds after or before another time within a 24-hour period. |
RelativeYear() |
Obtains the date that occurs a specified number of years after or before another date. |
Second() |
Obtains the number of seconds in the seconds portion of a time value. |
SecondsAfter() |
Gets the number of seconds one time occurs after another. |
SecondsAfterDateTime() |
Gets the number of seconds one datetime occurs after another. |
Time() |
Converts a string to a time datatype. |
Today() |
Obtains the system date and time. |
Year() |
Gets the year of a date value. |
YearsAfter() |
Return the number of years one date occurs after another. |
WeekNumberISO() |
Return the week number of a date value. (ISO standard) |
WeekNumberUS() |
Return the week number of a date value. (ISO standard) |