Below are the SMART Migration main differences compared to the classic tools when migrating users local files and personal network folders to OneDrive

Unique SMART Migration features
  • Speed x3 – x25 faster than any other tool.
  • Handing of high volume/many users
  • Zero PowerShell coding => No-Code visual management and automatic error handling/retry.
  • Incremental operations
  • Use filters and advanced logic to determine what content to migrate from FileShare home drives and determine where to put in the destination OneDrive.
  • Push content to users OneDrive based on rules from legacy SharePoint, other tenants and any FileShare.
  • Update/Create content in user OneDrive based on business rules post initial migration
  • Set metadata on documents during migration or post migration
  • Consolidated configurable reporting across all OneDrive users in real-time. No CSV or Excel files to view and manually consolidate.
  • Advanced filtering with optional exclusion of files not been accessed the last xx years

Pre-provision OneDrive for users in your organization

Last modified: 16 March 2023