Function reference
Extract column values from the session log for use in re-migration setups.
Use this function in column assignment transformations when re-migrating files based on the database view migrated_files.

ExtractMetadataColumn( string , string , string )

Argument Description
Session Log Data The column or variable holding the session log data.
If used in direct conjunction with For-Each on the database view migrated_files the this argument would be the column varible [<#result_message>]
Column Name The name of the column for which you want to retrieve the data value.
SharePoint: Notice that you can specify eighter the column [display name] or the @.
Default Value If the column is not found then return this default value

Data type: String
Returns the data value for the specified column

Example 1
ExtractMetadataColumn([<#result_message>] , '[CreatedBy]' , '' )
Returns the value assigned to the column [CreatedBy].
if [CreatedBy] was not assinged hence the column is not in the log data then an empty string is returned

Example 2
ExtractMetadataColumn([<#result_message>] , '[My_Internal_Column_Name]' , 'abc' )
Returns the value assigned to the column [My_Internal_Column_Name].
if [My_Internal_Column_Name] was not assigned hence the column is not in the log data then the default value abc is returned

Last modified: 1 June 2023