Before any ConveyStop functionality can be realized; you must first configure one or more Stop Group*_s on your system. In order to do this, you must have the _*ConveyStop Software. This section details how to:
• Install and enable the software
• Create a new Project
• Create Stop Groups
• Assign STOP Command inputs
• Assign START Command inputs
• Utilize monitoring functions
The ConveyStop PC software connects to a ConveyLinx network and shows all available ERSC and CNIP devices. From this list, the system integrator creates and populates one or more Stop Groups. Within each Stop Group, one or more ERSC’s can be configured to have either its Left or Right Control Port assigned to contain a hard-wired button or switch to issue a STOP Command. Similarly, any CNIP module can be similarly assigned a hard-wired button or switch to a specific dedicated input to issue a STOP Command. Also within each Stop Group, one or more ERSC’s can be configured to have either its Left or Right Control Port assigned to contain a hard-wired button or switch to issue a START Command. Similarly, any CNIP module can be similarly assigned a hard-wired button or switch to a specific dedicated input to issue a START Command.