Replaces Separate Stop Circuit
One important feature of a ConveryLinx control system with ConveyStop enabled is that local operator buttons or switches can wire directly to a nearby ERSC or CNIP module. With these locally wired devices, anyone can initiate a controlled stop of a given Stop Group without requiring a separately wired stop circuit. Depending on system size and complexity, this can result in substantial savings in both installation cost and implementation time.
Detects Network Connectivity Loss
Another important feature of a ConveyStop enabled system is that loss of network communication and/or loss of connection to a PLC (if originally connected) will automatically cause a Stop Command to be initiated. Very often in large and/or complex network based control systems; the loss of communications is not easily detected nor does adjacent unaffected devices react in predictable ways. With ConveyStop, not only does every device stop upon communication loss, there can be information taken from the modules to help pin-point where the communication loss occurred.
Provides More Reliable Recovery
When any Stop Command is initiated in an ERSC module, not only is all motor commutation stopped, but the ERSC retains pertinent data on its status at the time the Stop Command was initiated. The ERSC will remember that it was discharging or accepting a package along with the packages tracking data. Upon getting a Start Command, the ERSC will pick up where it left off and attempt to finish what it was doing prior to the Stop Command.
This same scenario applies to situations when power is disconnected to all modules within a Stop Group. As part of the power loss procedure in all ERSC modules with ConveyStop enabled; certain pertinent data regarding module status and package tracking is saved to flash memory such that upon power-up and subsequent Start Command, each ERSC will attempt to complete what it was doing at the time of initial power loss.