The ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules uses a Clock-Wise (CW) and Counter Clock-Wise (CCW) motor rotation definition. The reference for this distinction is based upon viewing the MDR from the cable exit end of the roller.
The ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules uses a Clock-Wise (CW) and Counter Clock-Wise (CCW) motor rotation definition. The reference for this distinction is based upon viewing the MDR from the cable exit end of the roller.
*Auto Configuration Procedure will automatically adjust the motor rotation direction based upon the flow established by the procedure as long as the cable end of the roller is on the same side of the conveyor as the ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules. If the rotation direction is not correct after the Auto-Configuration Procedure, you can change it in EasyRoll. How to change the motor rotation direction