Depending on the physical arrangement of actual zones on the Center Line, the Merge Zone can be assigned to either the Upstream or Downstream zone of its particular ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules. It can also be assigned to a ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules that is configured as a single zone ZPA controller.
In all 4 of these examples, Node 2 is the Merge Zone’s controlling ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules
Merge Zone on Upstream Zone
Merge Zone on Downstream Zone
Single Zone Module
Whenever an ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules has been Auto-Configured as a single zone; regardless of whether the single zone is connected to the right side or left side of the ConveyLinx-Ai Family Modules, the logical designation for the zone on the this module is always the Upstream Zone. Shown below are examples of a single zone module using the left and right sides of the module respectively.