Welcome to the CIBMTR Forms Instruction Manual. The Table of Contents on the left side of the screen is for navigational purposes; if you are on a mobile device you may find the Table on Contents on the top of the page.

General Instructions provides useful general background information for successfully completing forms.

2804/2814: CRID Assignment and Indication provides explanatory text used to generate a CIBMTR Research ID (CRID) and report the indication.

Transplant Essential Data (TED) Manuals provides explanatory text for each question found on the TED forms.

Comprehensive Baseline & Follow-up Forms Manuals provides explanatory text for each question on the Baseline, Follow-up, IDMs, HLA, and Infusion forms.

Comprehensive Disease Specific Manuals provides explanatory text and additional information for disease indications requiring CIBMTR reporting.

Cellular Therapy Manuals provides explanatory text for completing pre-infusion, infusion, and post-infusion forms

Infection & Miscellaneous Manuals provides explanatory text for manuals such as the Hepatitis Serology, VOD / SOS, and Myelofibrosis CMS Study forms.

Appendices provide additional information beyond the scope of the other manuals.

Manual Updates:
Sections of the Forms Instruction Manual are frequently updated. In addition to documenting the changes within each manual section, the most recent updates to the manual can be found below. For additional information, select the manual section and review the updated text.

Date Manual Section Add/Remove/Modify Description
1/28/2025 2814: Indication for CIBMTR Data Reporting Modify Added new floating text to the non-cellular therapy option: Indicate whether the individual will be receiving an Infusion (e.g., hematopoietic cellular transplant (HCT), gene therapy, cellular therapy), Marrow toxic injury, or Non-cellular therapy (e.g., study enrollment, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.).
1/28/2025 2814: Indication for CIBMTR Data Reporting Remove Removed the red warning box: Non-cellular Therapy: There are currently no active studies for this option. If this seems to be incorrect, submit a CIBMTR Center Support ticket
1/28/2025 2814: Indication for CIBMTR Data Reporting Add New blue note box added: CMS Innovation Center’s Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Access Model for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Select “non-cellular therapy” when completing this form for the first time for a CRID to be enrolled in the CMS Innovation Center’s Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Access Model for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Contact CIBMTR Center Support with any questions.
1/24/2025 3507: Solid Tumor Response Add Version 1 of the Solid Tumor Response section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 3507.
1/24/2025 2059 Solid Tumor Pre-Infusion Add Version 1 of the Solid Tumor Pre-Infusion section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2059.
1/24/2025 2554: CMS Registration Add Version 1 of the CMS Registration section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 3 of the Form 2554.
1/24/2025 2402: Disease Classification Remove Instructions in Q180 updated: CIBMTR captures the classification of ambiguous lineage and other myeloid neoplasms based on the World Health Organization (WHO) 2022. Indicate the other acute leukemia disease classification at diagnosis. If the subtype is not listed, report as Other acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage or myeloid neoplasm and specify the reported disease.
  • Acute undifferentiated leukemia is a type of AML characterized by immature predominating cells that cannot be classified.
  • Biphenotypic, bilineage, or hybrid leukemias have characteristics representative of both myeloid and lymphoid lineages.
  • Mast cell leukemia is characterized by an increased number of tissue mast cells in the peripheral blood.
1/24/2025 2402: Disease Classification Add Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with neutrophilia and Disease Status added above Q195 and Q390: Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with neutrophilia and Disease Status: As of October 2024, atypical CML is captured as an MDS and the disease classification is reported as Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with neutrophilia. The disease status for Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with neutrophilia will be reported in the Other Leukemia section of the form.
1/24/2025 ALL Response Criteria Add Relapse Criteria blue box added for clarification: Relapse Criteria: The Disease presence determined by a physician upon clinical assessment criteria is not if there is only disease detected by MRD or other methods of assessment (i.e., molecular, cytogenetics, flow cytometry). In order to report relapse, disease must be detected by clinical / hematologic assessments.
1/24/2025 AML Response Criteria Add Relapse Criteria blue box added for clarification: Relapse Criteria: The Disease presence determined by a physician upon clinical assessment criteria is not if there is only disease detected by MRD or other methods of assessment (i.e., molecular, cytogenetics, flow cytometry). In order to report relapse, disease must be detected by clinical / hematologic assessments.
1/24/2025 2130 SCD Post-Infusion Modify Abdominal Girth red warning box above Q2 updated: p(banner important). Abdominal girth and Blood Pressure: Abdominal girth and blood pressure are is currently disabled and cannot be answered at this time.
1/24/2025 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form Remove Instructions in Q48 updated: Lymphocyte analyses are often performed post-HCT to evaluate the reconstitution of the immune system. Certain lymphocyte groups repopulate earlier than others post-HCT. If lymphocyte testing was performed, select all lymphocytes tested during the reporting period and answer the subsequent questions as follows.
  • CD3 (T cells)
  • CD4 (T helper cells)
  • CD8 (cytotoxic T cells)
  • CD19 (B lymphocyte cells)
  • CD20 (B lymphocyte cells)
  • CD56 (natural killer (NK) cells)
    If lymphocyte testing was not completed during the reporting period, select No lymphocyte analyses performed.
1/24/2025 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion Add Richter’s transformation blue note box added above Q166: Richter’s Transformation: If completing the form for a recipient whose disease has undergone Richter’s transformation prior to infusion, only report therapy administered since the transformation to lymphoma on the Lymphoma Pre-Infusion (2018) Form. Any therapy given prior to transformation will be reported on the CLL Pre-Infusion (2013).
1/24/2025 4101: Post-Cellular Therapy Follow-Up Add New blue note box above question 21: There are currently no commercially available persistence tests for the commercially available BCMA CAR-T products (e.g. Abecma, Carvykti. You may select No for the question Were tests performed to detect persistence of the cellular product since the date of last report?.
1/24/2025 4101: Post-Cellular Therapy Follow-Up Modify Modified blue note box above question 21: There is a are currently no commercially available persistence tests for the commercially available CD19+ CAR-T products (e.g. Kymriah, Yescarta, Tecartus, Breyanzi , Abecma, Carvykti). You may still select No for the question Were tests performed to detect persistence of the cellular product since the date of last report? but please confirm if your site is using the new persistence test.
1/24/2025 2028: Aplastic Anemia Pre-Infusion Add Instructions updated to clarify leukodepleted and leukoreduced can be used interchangeably: Red blood cells may be leukodepleted (may also be documented as leukoreduced) to prevent post-transfusion complications by reducing the number of WBCs transfused. This information is typically found within the “blood blank” or “transfusion history” information. Report Yes if any of the red blood cells administered between diagnosis and the start of the preparative regimen / infusion were leukodepleted or leukoreduced. If none of the red blood cells administered between diagnosis and the start of the preparative regimen were leukodepleted or leukoreduced, report No. If it is not known if the red blood cells were leukodepleted or leukoreduced, seek clarification from the blood bank. If it cannot be determined if leukodepleted or leukoreduced red blood cells were administered prior to the start of the preparative regimen, report Unknown.
1/24/2025 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form Add Instructions updated how to report the work status in Q408: Select the work status that best describes the recipient’s current or most recent employment during this reporting period. If the recipient is Retired, specify their retirement status. If the recipient’s status is anything other than Full time, indicate if the recipient claimed and received medical disability due to any illness.
1/24/2025 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form Remove Update diabetes / hyperglycemia requiring chronic treatment description to match Table 8 in Q341 – 349: Endocrine Impairments
  • Diabetes / hyperglycemia requiring chronic treatment: high blood glucose levels. Diabetes / hyperglycemia should only be reported if insulin and / or oral medication is required for treatment. Diabetes / hyperglycemia controlled through diet and exercise should not be reported. Only select this option if the recipient developed diabetes / hyperglycemia requiring treatment post-infusion. Do not report this disorder if the recipient had a diagnosis and was on treatment prior to infusion.
1/24/2025 2005: Confirmation of HLA Typing Modify Updated when the 2005 form comes due:
  • Non-NMDP unrelated donor
  • Non-NMDP unrelated cord blood unit
  • Related cord blood unit
  • HLA matched related donor
  • HLA mismatched related donor
  • Recipient of any of the donor types listed above
  • Match siblings/syngeneic recipients and donors participating in the Related HCT Specimen Repository Recipient of HLA identical
1/24/2025 AML Response Criteria Add Example 1 and 2 updated to further clarify 0% blasts in the blood is required to report CR for recipients with MDS / MPN who transformed to AML with residual MDS / MPN:
  • Example 1: A recipient who transformed from MDS to AML received AML induction therapy. A bone marrow biopsy was performed post-induction and showed remission; however, there was still evidence of dysplasia present. The recipient did not receive additional therapy and went to transplant. In this scenario, the pre-transplant disease status may be reported as “CR” if all AML criteria are met in addition to having 0 % blasts in the peripheral blood.
  • Example 2: A recipient who transformed from primary myelofibrosis to AML achieved remission following induction therapy and went to transplant. During the Day 100 reporting period, a bone marrow biopsy was performed and myelofibrosis was present. In this case, the post-transplant disease status may still be reported as “CR” if all AML criteria are met in addition to having 0 % blasts in the peripheral blood.
1/24/2025 2402: Disease Classification Add ET or PCV to MDS Transformation blue box added above Q198: ET or PCV to MDS Transformation: In the rare event MDS transformed from ET or PCV, report Yes there was a predisposing condition, the condition as Other condition and specify as ET or PCV. Do not report there was a disease transformation below.
1/24/2025 2402: Disease Classification Add ET and PCV added as possible other predisposing conditions to report in Q199: A list of entities that would fall into the Other condition category include: ETV6-related familial thrombocytopenia, ANKRD26-related familial thrombocytopenia, SRP72-related familial aplastic anemia / MDS, MBD4-related familial leukemia, Bloom Syndrome, Noonan Syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, Downs Syndrome, ATG2B/GSKIP duplication (chromosome 14q32.2), MECOM-associated syndrome , Essential thrombocythemia (ET), Polycythemia vera (PCV).
1/124/2025 2402: Disease Classification Modify CALR Testing blue box updated above Q292: If CALR testing was performed and positive but the lab report does not specify the type, select Not done for CALR 1 and CALR 2, and Positive Not done for Not defined.
1/24/2025 2113: CLL Post-Infusion Add Clarification where MRD treatment is reported: Systemic therapy, radiation, withdrawal of immunosuppression, and/or other treatments may be administered for persistent, relapsed, or progressive disease. Additionally, therapy for measurable residual disease (MRD) may also be administered. Indicate if the recipient received treatment post-infusion for measurable residual disease (MRD), persistent, relapsed, or progressive disease in the current reporting period.
1/24/2025 2113: CLL Post-Infusion Add Clarified where MRD treatment is reported: Report the date when treatment for measurable residual disease (MRD), persistent, relapsed, or progressive disease was started in the current reporting period. If multiple treatments were started in the reporting period, report the date of the first treatment.
1/24/2025 2113: CLL Post-Infusion Add Instructions clarified to report not report MRD treatment with maintenance / consolidation: Indicate if the recipient received treatment post-infusion for reasons other than treatment for measurable residual disease (MRD), relapse, progressive, or persistent disease during the current reporting period. Recipients generally receive a HCT / cellular therapy under a specific protocol which defines radiation and / or systemic therapy to be given post-infusion, along with prophylactic medication as well as any systemic therapy, radiation, and / or other treatments to be administered post-infusion as planned (or maintenance) therapy. Planned (maintenance or consolidation) therapy is given to assist in prolonging remission. Planned therapy may be described in a research protocol or standard of care protocol and these should be referred to when completing this section.
If post-infusion therapy is given as prophylaxis or maintenance for recipients in CR consider this ‘planned therapy,’ even if this was not documented prior to infusion. Do not include any treatment administered as a result of relapse, progression, or persistent disease.

Indicate if therapy was given for reasons other than measurable residual disease (MRD), relapse, progressive, or persistent disease in the current reporting period.
1/24/2025 2113: CLL Post-Infusion Add Instructions added on how to report the best response when not in CR pre-infusion and persistent disease detected post-infusion: Use the following guidelines to determine how to report the best response when the recipient is not in CR pre-infusion and persistent disease was detected post-infusion:
  • If the first assessments complete post-infusion are consistent with persistent disease and treatment for persistent disease was not started, report the best response as Stable disease and the assessment date as the first assessments showing stable disease.
  • If the first assessments completed post-infusion are consistent with persistent disease and treatment for persistent disease was started, report the best response as Stable disease and the assessment date as the last assessments prior to initiating persistent disease treatment.
1/24/2025 Appendix C: Cytogenetics Add Chimerism Methods of Assessment section and Table 1. Chimerism Methods added to Chimerism and Cytogenetics section
1/24/2025 Appendix L: Karnofsky / Lansky Performance Status Modify Version 2 of Appendix L: Karnofsky / Lansky Performance Status released with the Winter 2025 Quarterly release
Last modified: Jan 28, 2025

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