Question 24-25: Was a disease relapse or progression detected since the date of last report?

Disease relapse or progression can be documented by a variety of methods including molecular, flow cytometry, cytogenetic/fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), radiographic or hematological/clinical. The intent is to capture any new relapse or progression event that occurred in the reporting period, not just the initial relapse or progression. Report Yes if any new disease relapse or progression was detected by any one of the methods in the current reporting period and report the first date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the relapse or progression detected.

If a disease relapse or progression was not detected in the current reporting period, report No.

Section Updates:

Question Number Date of Change Add/Remove/Modify Description Reasoning (If applicable)
24 4/23/2024 Modify Updated blue box above question 24: The disease relapse or progression questions are applicate applicable for malignant diseases that do not generate when a disease specific form s (e.g., AML, CML, MDS, MPN) are not present or and for the following products are reported in question 1: Letetresgene autoleucel, Other product, or No product name. Questions are also applicable to CT TED track
24 1/15/2024 Modify Added the text in red: Disease relapse or progression can be documented by a variety of methods including molecular, flow cytometry, cytogenetic/fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), radiographic or hematological/clinical. The intent is to captures any new relapse or progression event that occurred in the reporting period, not just the initial relapse or progression. Report Yes if any new disease relapse or progression was detected by any one of the methods in the current reporting period and report the first date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the relapse or progression detected. Clarifying the intent is to capture any relapse/progression, not just the initial one.
Last modified: Apr 23, 2024

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