January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020
October 2020
December 2020
Updates made during the current calendar year are included below. For updates prior to 2020, click on the subtopic corresponding to the year of interest. If you need to reference an archived manual section for a retired form, please refer to the Retired Forms Manuals webpage.
December 2020
12/22/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | The blue note box in question 31 was updated: In the new revision of the HCT Infusion (2006) Form, product processing and manipulation have been separated into two categories for reporting purposes. Product Processing: Captures changes made to the original product that does not affect the physical properties of the product Product Manipulation: Captures changes made to the original product affecting the physical properties of the product |
12/22/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Add | Additional criteria regarding abnormal free light chain ratios added to Relapse for CR: Abnormal free light chain ratio
12/22/20 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | Clarified in the Hematologic Response criteria that free light chain ratios are for the serum . |
12/22/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | One of the indications for subsequent HCT in question 9 was updated to be consistent with the options on the form: Planned subsequent |
12/22/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Examples 7 and 8 added to question 1 under the “Date of contact and Subsequent Infusion” section. |
12/22/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Examples 7 and 8 were added to question 1, under the “Date of Contact and Subsequent Infusion” section. |
12/22/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Modify | The definition of graft failure in questions 668-669 were updated to be consistent with the graft failure definitions on the 2400 and 2450: Additional hematopoietic stem cells are required because there wasn’t any ANC recovery following HCT (primary graft failure), the hematopoietic recovery indefinitely declined after the initial hematopoietic recovery ( |
12/22/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | The definition of graft failure was updated in question 9 to be consistent with the graft failure definitions on the 2400 and 2100: Additional stem cells are required because there wasn’t any ANC recovery following HCT (primary graft failure), the hematopoietic recovery indefinitely declined after the initial hematopoietic recovery (secondary graft failure) or hematopoietic recovery was deemed insufficient or too slow for survival following previous high-dose therapy and HCT. If autologous cells are infused for this reason, this is considered autologous rescue; in this case, reporting will continue under the prior HCT date and a new Pre-TED form is not required. |
12/22/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | The definition for graft failure in Q35 – 39 were updated to be consistent with the definition of graft failure on the 2450 and 2100: Additional stem cells are required because there wasn’t any ANC recovery following HCT (primary graft failure), the hematopoietic recovery indefinitely declined after the initial hematopoietic recovery (secondary graft failure), or hematopoietic recovery was deemed insufficient or too slow for survival following previous high-dose therapy and HCT. If autologous cells are infused for this reason, this is considered autologous rescue; in this case, reporting will continue under the prior HCT date and a new Pre-TED form is not required. If the reason is graft failure after initial recovery or insufficient hematopoietic recovery, also complete question 36. |
12/16/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Clarified how to report resolution of hypogammaglobulinemia: Hypogammaglobulinemia can be reported as resolved if there are sustained normal levels of IgG in the blood without the need for IVIG infusions for 3 consecutive months. |
12/8/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Modify | Updated red warning box above question 12 to match the validation. |
12/1/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Remove | Removed blue note box above question 16, these questions are enabled for all cases: |
November 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
11/23/2020 | 2130: SCD Post-Infusion | Add | Instructions added to question 101 to explain how to report the current disease status when the Hb S ≤ 50% but clinical symptoms are present: If the Hb S is ≤ 50 % but clinical symptoms are present, leave the data field blank, override the FormsNet3 error with “unable to answer,” and explain the Hb S is below ≤ 50 %; however, clinical symptoms are present in the comment section. |
11/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Questions 1 – 5 were updated to explain the CRID Assignment tool should be corrected if an error is identified in these data fields as these data are automatically populated based on what is reported in the CRID Assignment tool: The date of birth is automatically populated based on the value reported in the CRID Assignment |
11/23/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Clarification added on how to report infection comorbidity: The presence of one or more of the following requiring continuation of therapeutic antimicrobial / antifungal /antiviral treatment after Day 0. |
11/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Information added on how to report infection comorbidities in question 97: Infection: Documented infection, fever of unknown origin, or pulmonary nodules requiring continuation of antimicrobial / antifungal / antiviral treatment after day 0. |
11/23/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Instructions updated for question 281 on when to use the “not assessed” option for reporting they cytogenetic response: If cytogenetic response was not tested at the last evaluation |
11/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarification (blue information box) was added to question 119 to clarify MIBG therapy should not be reported as preparative regimen: MIBG Therapy: MIBG therapy given for recipients with neuroblastoma is no longer considered preparative regimen and should not be reported. |
11/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | The instructions for question 87 were updated to include when to use the “indeterminant” option for CMV testing: If the laboratory reports the results as “inconclusive” or “equivocal,” select “ Indicate the test result documented on the laboratory report as either “reactive,” “non-reactive,” “indeterminant,” or “not done.” |
11/23/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Blue information box added to questions 405 – 406 on how to report the Durie-Salmon staging for subsequent infusions: Durie-Salmon staging: If this form is being completed for a subsequent infusion, report the Durie-Salmon staging at the time of the multiple myeloma diagnosis, and not at the time of relapse or progression |
11/20/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Clarification added to question 44 to explain topical non-steroidal agents should not be reported: Indicate whether the recipient is still taking systemic non-steroidal immunosuppressive agents (including PUVA) to treat or prevent acute and / or chronic GVHD on the date of contact. Descriptions of many immunosuppressive agents are included below. Only report systemic non-steroidal immunosuppressive agents and not topical non-steroidal immunosuppressive agents such as Restasis or Protopic. If the recipient did not receive systemic non-steroidal immunosuppressive agents to treat or prevent acute and / or chronic GVHD during the reporting period, report “not applicable.” Indicate “not applicable” in any of the following scenarios:
11/19/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Modify | Moved informational blue box about Free Light Chain Ratios to right before section on Stringent Complete Response. |
11/18/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Modify | Clarified reporting recipient death with new combined follow up rules. |
11/17/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added clarification about prophylaxis drugs given to treat neurotoxicity: Indicate “yes” if the recipient received therapy for neurotoxicity and continue with question 130. Indicate “no” if no therapy was given for neurotoxicity and continue with question 132. Report any prophylactic drugs as therapy for neurotoxicity if they were continued after the date of diagnosis. |
11/17/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added clarification about prophylaxis drugs given to treat CRS: Indicate “yes” if the recipient received therapy for CRS and continue with question 81. Indicate “no” if no therapy was given for CRS and continue with question 83. Report any prophylactic drugs as therapy for CRS if they were continued after the date of diagnosis. |
11/13/2020 | 4000:Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Clarified the time period for reporting co-morbid conditions prior to a cellular therapy infusion: Added the following guidance on answering question 37: Additionally, for the purposes of this manual, the term “at the time of patient assessment” is defined as the pre-infusion evaluation period performed with 6 months prior to the start of the lympho-depleting or preparative regimen. |
October 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
10/23/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Modify | Provided clarification and additional examples on how to report next generation flow (NGF) in questions 39-42. |
10/23/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Modify | Provided clarification and additional examples on how to report next generation flow (NGF) in questions 225-228. |
10/23/2020 | 4000:Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Added the following guidance on answering question 37: Question 37 has been “hidden” in FormsNet3 for the current revision of this form. If an NMDP donor ID had been previously entered, this field will not be hidden and can be edited as needed. However, if an NMDP donor ID has not been entered yet, this field will be hidden and skipped until the form is revised and the question is removed from the form. |
10/23/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added the following guidance on answering question 63: Question 63 has been “hidden” in FormsNet3 for the current revision of this form. If an NMDP donor ID had been previously entered, this field will not be hidden and can be edited as needed. However, if an NMDP donor ID has not been entered yet, this field will be hidden and skipped until the form is revised and the question is removed from the form. |
10/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Added the following guidance on answering question 60: Question 60 has been “hidden” in FormsNet3 for the current revision of this form. If an NMDP donor ID had been previously entered, this field will not be hidden and can be edited as needed. However, if an NMDP donor ID has not been entered yet, this field will be hidden and skipped until the form is revised and the question is removed from the form. |
10/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Added the following guidance on answering questions 17 and 18: Questions 17 and 18 should only be completed for recipients who received an allogeneic transplant. If the recipient received an autologous transplant, these questions should be left blank. |
10/23/2020 | 2118: LYM Post-Infusion Data | Modify | Modified the guidance prior to question 7 by removing (struck out below) and adding (text in red below) the following information: If testing was performed by any of these three methods on blood |
10/23/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Modify | Version 5 of the 2018: Lymphoma Pre-Infusion Data section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 5 corresponds to revision 6 of the Form 2018. |
10/23/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Modify | Version 5 of the 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 5 corresponds to revision 6 of the Form 2100. |
10/23/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Version 6 of the 2402: Pre-TED Disease Classification section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 6 corresponds to revision 6 of the Form 2402. |
10/23/2020 | 2030: SCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Added the following guidance on answering questions 17 and 18: Questions 17 and 18 are currently disabled and should not be completed on this form. These data are already collected on the Baseline (2000) Form and do not need to be reported again. |
10/23/2020 | 2128: Aplastic Anemia Post-HCT | Modify | Version 3 of the 2128: Aplastic Anemia Post-HCT Data section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 3 of the Form 2128. |
10/23/2020 | 2028: Aplastic Anemia Pre-HCT | Modify | Version 2 of the 2028: Aplastic Anemia Pre-HCT Data section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 2 corresponds to revision 3 of the Form 2028. |
10/23/2020 | 2000: Recipient Baseline | Modify | Version 4 of the 2000: Recipient Baseline section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 6 of the Form 2000. |
10/15/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Clarification added on the intent of this section for cell therapy versus the HCT. |
10/14/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Clarification added on how to report a pulmonary comorbidity if both a “control” FEV1 and “post-dilator” FEV1 is available. |
10/14/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarification added to question 96 on how to report a pulmonary comorbidity when both a “control” FEV1 and “post-dilator” FEV1 is available. |
10/7/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Remove | Removed the note box above question 2, these questions are enabled for all cases: |
10/7/2020 | 2039: HLH Pre-HCT | Add | Clarification added to explain how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2039 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2039. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2039 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2019: WM Pre-HCT | Add | Clarification added to question 76 to explain how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2019 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2019. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2019 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Modify | Clarification updated to provide instructions on how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions to be consistent: If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2016 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2016. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2016 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Clarification added on how to answer the number of induction cycles for questions 92 and 160: Number of Induction Cycles The intent of this question is to capture the number of induction cycles required to achieve the first CR (including CRi) in the recipient’s disease history, regardless of if there have been prior relapses or infusions |
10/7/2020 | 2057: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 55 to explain how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2057 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2057. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2057 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2015: JMML Pre-HCT | Add | Clarification added to question 49 to explain how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2015 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2015. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2015 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2014: MDS Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 82 to explain how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2014 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2014. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2014 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2013: CLL Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 74 to explain how to report lines of therapy for a subsequent infusion: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2013 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2013. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2013 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2012: CML Pre-Infusion Data | Add | Clarification added to question to 84 to explain how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2012 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2012. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2012 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 20 to explain how to report lines of therapy for a subsequent infusion: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and a 2011 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2011. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2011 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/7/2020 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Add | Instructions added above question 32 to provide clarification how to report lines of therapy for a subsequent infusion: Lines of Therapy and Subsequent Infusions If this is a subsequent infusion and 2010 was completed for the previous infusion, lines of therapy do not need to be reported in duplication on the subsequent 2010. Please report from post previous infusion to time of preparative regimen / infusion for the current infusion. If a 2010 was not previously completed, all lines of therapy from diagnosis to the current preparative regimen / infusion must be completed. |
10/6/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | The instructions on how to report lines of therapy for subsequent infusions above question 166 was made into a “red warning box.” |
10/6/2020 | Appendix H: MDS/MPN Subtypes | Modify | Updated the criteria of the different variations of atypical CML to only “atypical CML, BCR-ABL1-negative” as the variations were all of the same thing: Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia,
10/6/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added on some of the option values for question 76-77: Check each site with known lymphomatous involvement. Clarification on some of the available option values found below
10/5/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Add | Clarification added on when to report “yes” and “no” for question 203: Report “yes” for question 203 and go to question 276 in any of the following scenarios:
10/5/2020 | MDS Post-HCT | Add | Clarification added on when to report “yes” and “no” for question 172:
10/5/20 | ALL Post-Infusion | Add | Clarification added on when to report “yes” and “no” to question 95: Report “Yes” for question 95 and go to question 129 in any of the following scenarios:
10/5/2020 | 2110: AML Post-Infusion | Add | Further clarification added on when to answer “yes” and “no” for Q104: Report “Yes” for question 104 and go to question 144 in any of the following scenarios:
10/2/2020 | POEMS Response Criteria | Add | POEMS Response Criteria section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. |
10/1/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Instructions added on when to use the “unknown” and “not applicable” options for question 190: Indicate if the recipient received maintenance therapy after treatment for relapse / progression since the date of the last report. If “yes,” continue with question 191. If “no,” continue with question 211. If it is not known or not possible to determine if the recipient was placed on subsequent maintenance therapy after treatment for relapse / progression, then select “Unknown” and proceed to question 211. This option should be used sparingly and only in cases when it is truly unknown as to whether maintenance therapy was given within the reporting period after treatment for relapse / progression. Indicate “Not Applicable” if the recipient did not receive treatment for relapse / progression. Please see the example below: Example: A recipient was in CR and was receiving maintenance Revlimid. Due to health issues, the maintenance therapy was briefly discontinued; however, the recipient’s IgG reappeared during this time. The patient was not treated for relapse and eventually continued on with the Revlimid maintenance. In this case, question 190 would be answered as “Not Applicable” because he was not treated for relapse but instead continued on with his maintenance therapy. |
10/1/2020 | AML Response Criteria | Remove | The response criteria for CR and CRi were updated to consistent with 2017 ELN AML Response Criteria. CR and CRi no longer requires the criteria is maintained for at leas four weeks and “normal maturation of all cellular components in the bone marrow” is not required: Complete Remission Hematologic complete remission is defined as meeting all of the following response criteria
10/1/2020 | AML Response Criteria | Add | Clarification was added to the For recipients with MDS / MPN / MF that transformed to AML blue information box that this instruction also applies to recipients with AML with MDS related changes along with examples 1 and 2: Historically, for recipients who had residual MDS / MPN / MF following treatment for AML, the AML disease status was reported as either PIF or relapse (i.e., the recipient cannot be in an AML CR if there is evidence of MDS / MPN / MF at the time of assessment). However, this instruction was removed in May 2020 and an AML CR may be reported if there is residual MDS / MPN / MF as long as there are < 5% blasts in the bone marrow as well as 0% blasts in the peripheral blood. This instruction also applies to recipients whose primary disease for transplant is “AML with MDS related changes” Example 1: A recipient who transformed from MDS to AML received AML induction therapy. A bone marrow biopsy was performed post-induction and showed remission; however, there was still evidence of dysplasia present. The recipient did not receive additional therapy and went to transplant. In this scenario, the pre-transplant disease status may be reported as “CR.” Example 2: A recipient who transformed from primary myelofibrosis to AML achieved remission following induction therapy and went to transplant. During the Day 100 reporting period, a bone marrow biopsy was performed, and myelofibrosis was present. In this case, the post-transplant disease status may still be reported as “CR.” |
September 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
9/30/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | The table for time windows for reporting the contact date in Q1 was updated to clarify the 1Y date of contact date should be reported as + 60 days (Day 365 – 425). |
9/30/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Modify | The table for time windows for reporting the contact date in Q1 was updated to clarify the 1Y date of contact date should be reported as + 60 days (Day 365 – 425). |
9/30/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | The blue information box was added to question 2 to explain how to report the contact date for the D100 reporting period: If this form is being completed for the 1-year reporting period, ensure the reported contact date is ≥ Day 365. |
9/25/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Add | Additional criteria for Light Chain Only Myeloma added to PR: Light Chain Only Myeloma (e.g., kappa or lambda only)
9/24/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Modify | The Partial Response criteria for Measurable Myeloma was updated. Both criteria are not required to be met, only one more is needed: In addition, the following sentence was removed from the Partial Response criteria: |
9/24/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Add | Additional criteria for Light Chain Only Myeloma added to VGPR and Progressive Disease: VGPR
9/23/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Corrected the formatting in the list of co-morbid conditions under question 115. |
9/18/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Updated the instruction for reporting the new FDA approved product “Tecartus”: Please report the new FDA approved product ‘Tecartus (brexucabtagene autoleucel)’ as ‘Yescarta’. The products will be distinguished by the lymphoma histology. The new product name will be added to the option list in the next revision to be released in January 2021. |
9/10/2020 | 2046: Fungal Infection Pre-Infusion Data | Add | Red warning box added to question 31 to explain the “unknown” option should never be used: The “Unknown” option should never be used to report the status of the infection. The options on the form will be revised with the next revision of this form. |
9/10/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | An example added to question 80 to explain how to report the number of products infused when there is a change in mobilization: Example 2 (change in mobilization): A G-CSF stimulated donor had a PBSC collection, but the cell count was poor. Plerixafor (Mozobil) was added as part of the mobilization and the donor was re-collected the following day. As the change in mobilization occurred during the same mobilization cycle, these collections are considered a single product. |
9/9/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added on how to report ADD and ADHD as comorbidities to question 115: Psychiatric disturbance – The presence of any mood, anxiety, or other psychiatric disorder requiring continuous treatment during the last four weeks. Examples include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia requiring psychiatric consult or treatment in the last 4 weeks. |
9/9/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Clarification added on how to report ADD and ADHD: Psychiatric disturbance – Any psychiatric illness requiring treatment within four weeks prior to the pre-transplant work-up period. Examples include depression, anxiety, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. |
9/9/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarification added on how to report ADD and ADHD as comorbidities in question 97: Psychiatric disturbance – The presence of any mood, anxiety, or other psychiatric disorder requiring continuous treatment during the last four weeks. Examples include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia requiring psychiatric consult or treatment in the last 4 weeks. |
9/9/2020 | 2014: MDS Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added on how to report relapse / progression following the line of therapy for recipients who transform to AML in question 155: Refer to the MDS Response Criteria section when determining the recipient’s disease status. Indicate if the disease relapsed from CR or progressed from hematologic improvement. If the disease relapsed, progressed, or transformed to AML (see red box below) answer “Yes” and go to question 156. If “No,” go to question 157. |
August 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
8/27/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Provided clarification (red text) on how to report multiple values: If there is the same maximum lab value across multiple days, report the first date. |
8/27/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Blue information box added below question 77 to clarify how to report HLH/MAS: HLH/MAS is recognized as being part of the CRS spectrum. If the patient has developed HLH/MAS, please report “yes” for CRS and report any treatment given for HLH/MAS in question 80. |
8/27/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Blue information box added below question 80 to clarify how to report HLH/MAS: HLH/MAS is recognized as being part of the CRS spectrum. If the patient has developed HLH/MAS, please report “yes” for CRS and report any treatment given for HLH/MAS in question 80. |
8/27/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Blue information box added below question 145 to clarify how to report HLH/MAS: HLH/MAS is recognized as being part of the CRS spectrum, however, the option does not yet exist to report it under CRS. If the patient has developed HLH/MAS, please report it here as an “other toxicity”. |
8/26/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Blue information box added above question 180 to clarify how to report COVID-19 infection when diagnosed after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy: Diagnosis of COVID-19 after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy: Any COVID-19 infections diagnosed after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy should be reported in questions 180 – 184 on the Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up (4100) form. An associated Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data (2149) form will be generated. |
8/26/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Blue information box added above question 428 to explain how to report COVID-19 infections when diagnosed after the start of the preparative regimen: Diagnosis of COVID-19 after the start of the preparative regimen: Any COVID-19 infections diagnosed after the start of the preparative regimen should be reported in questions 428 – 236 on the Post-HCT Follow-Up (2100) form. An associated Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data (2149) form will be generated. |
8/26/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Blue information box added above question 50 to explain how to report COVID-19 infections when diagnosed after the start of the preparative regimen: Diagnosis of COVID-19 after the start of the preparative regimen: Any COVID-19 infections diagnosed after the start of the preparative regimen should be reported in questions 50 – 51 on the Post-TED (2450) form. An associated Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data (2149) form will be generated. |
8/26/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Blue instruction box added above question 111 to clarify how to report the COVD-19 infections when diagnosed after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy: Diagnosis of COVD-19 after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy: Questions 111 – 113 are intended to capture COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections diagnosed prior to the start of the lymphodepleting therapy / infusion. If a COVID-19 infection is diagnosed after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy, report the COVID-19 diagnosis on the post-infusion follow-up form (2450, 2100, and / or 4100). |
8/26/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Blue information box added above question 180 to clarify how to report COVID-19 infection when diagnosed after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy: Diagnosis of COVID-19 after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy: Any COVID-19 infections diagnosed after the start of the lymphodepleting therapy should be reported in questions 180 – 184 on the Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up (4100) form. An associated Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data (2149) form will be generated. |
8/26/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Blue information box added above question 88 to explain how to report COVID-19 infections when diagnosed after the start of the preparative regimen: Diagnosis of COVD-19 after the start of the preparative regimen: Questions 88 – 90 are intended to capture COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections diagnosed prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. If a COVID-19 infection is diagnosed after the start of the preparative regimen, report the COVID-19 diagnosis on the post-infusion follow-up form (2450, 2100, and / or 4100). |
8/25/2020 | 2146: Fungal Infection Post-Infusion Data | Add | Clarification added on when to report fungal prophylaxis as treatment in question 43: Report “Yes” if the recipient received any antifungal treatment from seven days prior to the date of diagnosis (refer to question two) through the date of contact for the reporting period (refer to the date of contact reported on the corresponding follow-up form). If the recipient did not receive any antifungal therapy during this time frame, report “No” and go to question 49. If the dose of fungal prophylaxis was increased to a therapeutic dose during the specified time window (seven days prior to the diagnosis date through the date of contact), report “Yes.” |
8/25/2020 | 2046: Fungal Infection Pre-Infusion Data | Add | Instruction added on when to use the “Unknown” option for the diagnostic methods of assessment in questions 3-25: Methods of Assessment - A fungal infection may be identified by multiple assessments near the time of diagnosis. A description of each method of assessment is provided below. Report “Yes” for all assessments which were positive for signs of the fungal infection being reported on this form. Report “no” for assessments which were never performed or were never considered to be positive for the fungal infection being reported on this form. If the significance of the test result is not clear, obtain documentation from the recipient’s physician confirming whether the assessment was considered positive. Report “No” for assessments with results which are determined to be equivocal or indeterminate. The “Unknown” option should be used sparingly and only when there is no information on how the fungal infection was diagnosed. |
8/25/2020 | 2046: Fungal Infection Pre-Infusion Data | Add | Clarification added to question 26 on when to report fungal prophylaxis as treatment: Report “Yes” if the recipient received any antifungal treatment from seven days prior to the date of diagnosis (refer to question two) through the day of infusion (Day 0 for HCT or cellular therapy). If the recipient did not receive any antifungal therapy during this time frame, report “No” and go to question 31. If the dose of fungal prophylaxis was increased to a therapeutic dose during the specified time window (seven days prior to the diagnosis date through the day of infusion), report “Yes.” |
8/24/2020 | 2118: LYM Post-Infusion Data | Add | Blue instruction box added above questions 65 and 72 on how to report intrathecal and intraocular therapies when multiple are given in a single line: If a recipient receives multiple intrathecal / intraocular therapies as part of a single line of therapy, report each intrathecal / intraocular therapy as a separate line. |
8/24/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Blue instruction box added above questions 180 and 188 to clarify if multiple intrathecal / intraocular therapies are given as part of a line of therapy to report each as a separate line: If a recipient receives multiple intrathecal / intraocular therapies as part of a single line of therapy, report each intrathecal / intraocular therapy as a separate line. |
8/24/2020 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 52 on how to report the MRD status was the recipient was MRD negative prior to therapy completion but not retested: If any MRD testing was performed following the line of therapy being reported, answer question 58 based on the results of the testing performed within 30 days after the date therapy was stopped and prior to any new therapy being initiated. If any MRD testing during this timeframe was positive for markers of ALL, report “No” for question 58. If all MRD testing during this time frame was negative for markers of ALL, report “Yes” for question 58. If the recipient was MRD negative prior to therapy completion and not retested after therapy ended, report “Yes” for question 52. |
8/24/2020 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Add | Instructions added to question 58 on how to report the MRD status when the recipient was negative for MRD prior to therapy completion but MRD testing was not repeated after therapy ended: If any MRD testing was performed following the line of therapy being reported, answer question 58 based on the results of the testing performed within 30 days after the date therapy was stopped and prior to any new therapy being initiated. If any MRD testing during this timeframe was positive for markers of AML, report “No” for question 58. If all MRD testing during this time frame was negative for markers of AML, report “Yes” for question 58. If the recipient was MRD negative prior to therapy completion and not retested after therapy ended, report “Yes” for question 58. If no MRD testing was performed during this timeframe, leave question 58 blank and override the error in FormsNetSM using the code “Unknown.” |
8/24/2020 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added on how to report sites of relapse when detected in the bone marrow and / or peripheral blood for questions 61 – 68: Report all known sites of active disease at the time of relapse in questions 61-68. This includes any sites identified between the date of relapse reported in question 60 and the time treatment for relapse is initiated. If “Yes” has been reported for “Other site” in question 67, use question 68 to specify all sites of active disease not already reported in questions 61-66. If relapse was detected in the bone marrow and / or peripheral blood, report “Yes” for question 67 and specify these sites in question 68. |
8/24/2020 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Add | Instructions added to use the general rules of rounding when reporting the months of therapy in questions 43 – 45: Azacytidine, decitabine, and sorafenib may be given daily rather than in cycles. In order to capture the duration for which these medications are given, centers are asked to report the number of months these drugs were given whenever they have been reported in question 42. If therapy is given greater than a whole month, use the general rules of rounding (i.e., A recipient receives sorafenib twice a day for 13 weeks – specify the months of therapy as “3”). |
8/24/2020 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Instructions provided on how to report bone marrow and peripheral blood as sites of relapse in questions 55 – 63: Report all known sites of active disease at the time of relapse in questions 55-63. This includes any sites identified between the date of relapse reported in question 54 and the time treatment for relapse is initiated. If “Yes” has been reported for “Other site” in question 62, use question 63 to specify all sites of active disease not already reported in questions 55-61. If relapse was detected via bone marrow and / or peripheral blood, report “Yes” for question 62 and specify these sites in question 63. |
8/24/2020 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 73 on when to use the “unknown” option: Indicate whether flow cytometry (immunophenotyping) was performed on the blood and / or bone marrow at the last evaluation prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. If “Yes,” go to question 74. |
8/24/2020 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Add | Clarification added to question 79 on when to use the “unknown” option: Indicate whether flow cytometry (immunophenotyping) was performed on the blood and / or bone marrow at the last evaluation prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. If “Yes,” go to question 80. |
8/21/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | Updated the following note box (above Q159) to clarify the intent of Q159-170: The following questions ( |
8/20/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | The instructions on how to report disease assessments at the time of best response when a recipient never achieves a CR, progresses, and starts progression therapy were updated in question 84: If the recipient’s best response is “Not in Complete Remission,” report the latest assessment performed during the reporting period. If the recipient never achieved a CR and In addition, example E was added: E. A recipient receives a transplant on 1/1/2015 for NHL in stable disease. During the 100 Day reporting period, a PET / CT was performed on Day 60, confirming stable disease but then on Day 95, another PET / CT was performed and showed progression. As a result, therapy for progression began on Day 100. The best response to HCT for the Day 100 reporting period would be reported as “Not in complete remission – disease detected” and report “Yes,” radiologic assessments were performed with the Day 60 PET / CT as this is the most recent scan prior to progression. |
8/19/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Blue information box added above question 412 to indicate questions 412 – 441 refer to the labs and assessments performed at the diagnosis of the primary disease for transplant. |
8/19/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Examples 1, 2, and 3 added to question 43 to explain when to use “Yes,” No.” and “Not applicable.” |
8/19/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Examples 1, 2, and 3 were added to question 401 to explain when to use “Yes,” “No,” and “No applicable.” |
8/19/2020 | MDS Response Criteria | Modify | Clarification added on how to report the CR and HI achievement date – the first date in which the disease status was achieved should be reported, not the date in which the disease status was sustained. See the following for an example: When reporting the CR achievement date, report the first date when CR was achieved (not the four week date in which CR was maintained). |
8/19/2020 | MPN Response Criteria | Modify | Updated the response criteria for CR, Myelofibrosis CR, Partial Response, and Clinical Improvement by adding in clarification to report the first date in which the disease status was achieved, not the 12 week date in the disease status was maintained. See the following example for CR: When reporting the CR achievement date, report the first date when CR was achieved (not the 12 week date in which CR was maintained). |
8/19/2020 | 2014: MDS Pre-Infusion | Modify | The instruction for which question should be answered next if HI-N or HI-P was updated as the previous instructions were incorrect: If the cell lines examined to determine hematologic improvement only included “Hematologic Improvement, Platelets (HI-P)” and / or “Hematologic Improvement, Neutrophils (HI-N)” continue with question |
8/19/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated the Common Disease Transformation table for CLL to NHL, found in question 1-2. When a recipient transforms from CLL to NHL, multiple sections of the Disease Classification (2402) Form are not required to be completed. |
8/18/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Provided clarification for question 121 on how to report radiation boosts: Additionally, “radiation boosts,” often given to smaller sites that may have residual malignant cells or to areas that were shielded (i.e., chest wall or lung), should not be reported in this section. Report irradiation boosts administered on the applicable Recipient Baseline Data (2000) Form. |
8/18/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Red warning box added above questions 262-23, explaining the question text is currently incorrect and will be revised with next revision of the form: The question text for questions 262 – 263 are incorrect. Currently, the question reads “Was disease detected via bone marrow examination;” however, the question should say “Was disease assessed via bone marrow examination.” This question will be updated with the next revision of this form. |
8/18/2020 | MDS Post-HCT | Add | Red warning box added above questions 219-220 to clarify the instruction text is currently incorrect but will be updated with the next revision of the form: The question text for questions 219 – 220 are incorrect. Currently, the question reads “Was disease detected via bone marrow examination;” however, the question should say “Was disease assessed via bone marrow examination.” This question will be updated with the next revision of this form. |
8/18/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Blue information box added above questions 19, 117, and 214 to provide instructions on how to report CALR testing: If CALR testing was performed but the lab report does not specify the type, select “not done” for questions 25 and 26 and specify the results as either “positive” or “negative” for question 27. |
8/18/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Blue information box added above Q279 to provide instructions on how to report CALR testing: If CALR testing was performed but the lab report does not specify the type, select “not done” for questions 284 and 285 and specify the results as either “positive” or “negative” for question 286. |
8/11/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added the following blue information box (in red) above question 4: For scenarios where both HCT and CT forms will be submitted at the same time, there are duplicate questions across the F2100/2450 and F4100. To reduce the reporting burden, duplicated questions on the Cell Therapy forms are disabled. This includes a subsequent cellular therapy infusion reported on F4100. |
8/11/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added the following blue information box (in red) above question 2: For scenarios where both HCT and CT forms will be submitted at the same time, there are duplicate questions across the F2100/2450 and F4100. To reduce the reporting burden, duplicated questions on the Cellular Therapy forms are disabled. This includes contact date and survival reported on F4100. |
8/10/2020 | Appendix O: Cellular Therapy Critical Fields | Add | Appendix O: Cellular Therapy Critical Fields released. |
8/4/2020 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Remove | Removed the following (struck out below) criteria from the Hematologic Complete Response Criteria: Requires all of the following:
8/3/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Updated the instruction for reporting NCT ID: “All clinical trials are required to be registered on the clinicaltrials.gov website and will have an associated identification number. Report the number in question 12, do not include the letters “NCT” that precede the digits.” |
July 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
7/31/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Provided clarification to question 51 on what to select if the infusion is gene therapy: If the infusion is a gene therapy, select “yes.” |
7/31/2020 | 2814: Indication for CRID Assignment | Add | Provided instructions in question 1 on which option to select if the infusion is gene therapy: If the infusion type is gene therapy, select “Hematopoietic cellular transplant.” |
7/31/2020 | 2814: Indication for CRID Assignment | Add | Added the blue information box above question 1 notifying that if the infusion is gene therapy, the recipient will be placed on the HCT CRF track: Gene Therapy: If the infusion type is a gene therapy, the recipient will be placed on the HCT CRF track. |
7/29/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Added the following note box under question 49: Please report the new FDA approved product ‘Tecartus (brexucabtagene autoleucel)’ under “other product” and specify the name as ‘Tecartus’ in question 50 until the name can be added to the option list. |
7/24/2020 | 2543: Mylotarg™ Supplemental Data Collection | Add | Version 1 of the 2543: Mylotarg™ Supplemental Data Collection section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2543. |
7/24/2020 | 2030: SCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Version 1 of the 2030: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Pre-Infusion Data section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 3 of the Form 2030. |
7/24/2020 | 2130: SCD Post-Infusion | Add | Version 1 of the 2130: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Post-Infusion Data section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 3 of the Form 2130. |
7/24/2020 | 2057: MPN Pre-Infusion | Add | Added the following warning box (in red below) above question 250: Total Serum Ferritin Questions 250-252 are disabled and cannot be answered at this time. The total serum ferritin is already captured in the “Comorbid Conditions” section of the Pre-TED (2400) Form (questions 103-106). |
7/24/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Modify | Modified the date of contact instructions to reflect the new hard stop functionality associated with the Summer 2020 Form Release. |
7/24/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Modify | Modified the instructions for completing this form for a subsequent infusion. |
7/17/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Provided guidelines on how to report the maximum grade of chronic GVHD to question 302 to be consistent with the Post-TED (2450): Mild: Signs and symptoms of chronic GVHD do not interfere substantially with function and do not progress once appropriately treated with local therapy or standard systemic therapy (e.g. corticosteroids and/or cyclosporine or FK 506); Moderate: Signs and symptoms of chronic GVHD interfere somewhat with function despite appropriate therapy or are progressive through first line systemic therapy (e.g. corticosteroids and/or cyclosporine or FK 506); Severe: Signs and symptoms of chronic GVHD limit function substantially despite appropriate therapy or are progressive through second line therapy. |
7/10/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Modify | Update the response criteria for PR to be consistent with the IWG criteria and provided clarification when only one of the criteria needs to be met: Partial Response – Measurable Myeloma: |
7/9/2020 | MPN Response Criteria | Modify | Updated the response criteria for CR, Myelofibrosis CR, Partial Response, and Clinical Improvement by adding in the following: Requires all of the following maintained for a minimum of 12 weeks |
7/8/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Modify | Updated the reporting instructions for prior malignancy to be consistent with the reporting instructions listed on the Pre-TED (2400) manual. |
7/8/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Remove | Updated the instructions on when to report a cellular therapy for relapse, persistent, progressive disease to coincide with the Winter (January) 2020 release: Cellular therapy: Cellular therapy refers to the infusion of human or animal derived cells, which may or may not be modified or processed to achieve a specific composition. Examples include CAR T-cell, NK cell, and mesenchymal cell infusions as well as donor cellular infusions. Indicate “yes” if the recipient received any form of cellular therapy for relapse, persistent, |
7/8/2020 | 2149: Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data | Add | Provided information on CRISPR testing for questions 2 – 3: Nasal swab / wash: a sample is collected from the nose using a swab or a small amount of saline solution. The sample is tested via polymerase chain reaction techniques that quantify the amount of viral RNA present or using novel CRISPR testing from respiratory swab RNA extracts. If the amount of viral RNA is above the upper limit of normal (found on the laboratory report), the result will be considered positive for the virus being tested. If the testing report does not clearly indicate whether the result was positive, negative, or equivocal, contact your center’s lab for clarification. |
7/8/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Provided instructions how to report CRISPR testing for COVID-19 for questions 50 – 51: As a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Sherlock Biosciences an emergency use of authorization (EUA) for its COVID-19 diagnostic assay, CRISPR. Although still in its infancy in real-life application, positive results by this method should be reported, even if tandem testing by other method(s) (i.e., PCR) indicate a negative result. If the CRISPR results are unclear, seek physician clarification. |
7/8/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Updated the time frame for reporting biomarkers in questions 103 – 112 (the blue information box) to be consistent with the augmented HCT comorbidity index: Complete questions 103 – 112 using the results measured the closest |
7/7/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | A blue note box (red text) was added to questions 89 – 107 to provide guidance on how to report the GRID: If donor ID to report is a GRID, report the GRID in the non-NMDP ID data field, even if this is a NMDP donor. The GRID will be added as a separate data field during the next form revision of the Post-HCT (2100) Follow-Up Form. |
7/7/2020 | AML Response Criteria | Modify | Updated guidance on how to report disease status for recipients with MDS that transformed to AML – this instruction also applies to MPN and MF. For recipients with MDS / MPN / MF that transformed to AML Historically, for recipients who had residual MDS / MPN / MF following treatment for AML, the AML disease status was reported as either PIF or relapse (i.e., the recipient cannot be in an AML CR if there is evidence of MDS / MPN / MF at the time of assessment). However, this instruction was removed in May 2020 and an AML CR may be reported if there is residual MDS / MPN / MF as long as there are < 5% blasts in the bone marrow as well as 0% blasts in the peripheral blood. |
7/7/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Removed | Updated question 92 by removing the strike through sentence: |
7/7/2020 | Appendix H: MDS/MPN Subytpes | Modify | Updated subtypes listed in Appendix H to coincide with the Spring (May) 2020 Form Revision. |
7/6/2020 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Added | Provided clarification on how to answer question 10 for recipients with precursor T-cell and/or precursor B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (or lymphoma / leukemia): If the primary disease for infusion is precursor T-cell and/or precursor B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (or lymphoma / leukemia), report “No” for question 10 and continue with question 20. |
June 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
6/30/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added the following note to reporting instruction for question 77-179: Report any observed toxicity or infection that occurs post-infusion that occurred in this reporting period, regardless of causality and whether or not treatment was administered (e.g chemotherapy due to relapse). The intent is to capture all toxicities diagnosed after the cellular therapy infusion. Although treatment given post-infusion may have the effect of re-activating the product and inducing toxicities (e.g. CRS), these toxicities should still be captured in this section of the form. |
6/19/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Modify | Updated response criteria to show what criteria need to be met for measurable, non-measurable, and non-secretory myleoma. In addition, added clarification on how to report disease status when response was met in a time period and the confirmatory assessment was not performed until the next reporting period (red warning box). |
6/12/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Updated the instructions on how to report intrathecal therapy as part of preparative regimen in question 127 – 128 to be consistent with Recipient Baseline (2000) manual: The “other drug” category should be used only if the drug is not one of the listed options. If an “other” drug is prescribed, list the name of the drug in question 128. Include any intrathecal drugs the recipient received for prophylaxis or treatment of CNS disease within |
6/11/2020 | Appendix N: Drug Classifications | Add | Appendix N: Drug Classifications released |
6/11/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Updated the instructions for question 120 on when the CIBMTR’s guidelines should be used to report the preparative regimen classification by removing (strike through text) and adding (red text) the following: |
6/11/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Clarification added on how to report the diagnosis date for recipients with congenital immunodeficiency in question 1: If the recipient was diagnosed prenatally (in utero) or was diagnosed with a congenital immunodeficiency, report the date of birth as the date of diagnosis. |
6/11/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated the “Complete multiple disease sections of the Disease Classification Form?” column of Common Disease Transformations table above question 1 for the following transformations: MDS or MPN to AML: Yes – AML and MDS |
6/11/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added red warning box at the top of question 1 to provide clarification (red text) on what assessments to report for the “at diagnosis” time point if a previous infusion has been reported to the CIBMTR and relapse or progression occurred: For many diseases, the CIBMTR data collection forms capture disease assessments at multiple timepoints pre- and post-infusion. If the indication for this recipient’s HCT / Cellular Therapy is relapsed / progressive disease and they have had a previous transplant that was reported to the CIBMTR, only disease assessments performed after the disease relapse / progression occurred need to be reported. In this case, the disease assessments “at diagnosis” would be the disease assessments performed at the time relapse / progression occurred (prior to the initiation of therapy). Some pre-infusion forms on the Case Report Form (CRF) track have different reporting rules, depending on if a pre-infusion CRF had been previously completed for the recipient. Carefully review the Disease-Specific CRF manuals for additional information. |
6/11/2020 | Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Response Criteria | Add | Provided clarification on how to report the disease status for recipients with WM on the Pre-TED Disease Classification (2402) Form by adding in the blue instructional box at the top of the response criteria and the italicized instructions below each response option. |
6/9/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Provided clarification to question 371 that the molecular response should only be reported based on the detected driver mutations. |
6/9/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Modify | Update question 2 with the correct instructions: Indicate if the recipient had a concurrent or preceding plasma cell disorder. Many recipients progress to symptomatic myeloma from a preceding condition or have a concurrent plasma cell disorder, such as amyloidosis. This question will be auto-populated from the |
6/9/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | The following instructions (red text) were added to question 404 to provide clarification on how to report non-steroid agents for GVHD if the recipient passed away prior to discontinuation: If the recipient has died prior to the discontinuation of non-steroidal immunosuppressive agents used to treat or prevent acute and / or chronic GVHD, select “yes” |
6/9/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Provided clarification (red text) on how to report heart valve comorbidity for question 115. Moderate or severe valve stenosis or insufficiency (mitral, aortic, tricuspid, or pulmonary) as determined by the most recent heart evaluation by an echocardiogram, prosthetic mitral or aortic valve, and / or symptomatic mitral valve prolapse. This does not include a documented medical history of heart valve disease. |
6/9/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Added clarification (red text) on how to report heart valve comorbidity for question 97. Moderate or severe valve stenosis or insufficiency (mitral, aortic, tricuspid, or pulmonary) as determined by the most recent heart evaluation by an echocardiogram, prosthetic mitral or aortic valve, and / or symptomatic mitral valve prolapse. This does not include a documented medical history of heart valve disease. |
6/9/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Added clarification (red text) on how to report heart valve comorbidity. The presence of one or more of the following, found on the most recent heart evaluation by an echocardiogram: • At least a moderate or severe degree of valve stenosis or insufficiency as determined by echo, whether the valve is mitral, aortic, tricuspid or pulmonary; • Prosthetic mitral or aortic valve; • Symptomatic mitral valve prolapse |
6/8/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Updated the instructions for question 262 by as the instructions were incorrect. Indicate if disease was detected by a bone marrow examination. If disease was detected, |
6/8/2020 | 2000: Recipient Baseline | Add | Provided an example on how to report the overall busulfan exposure in questions 81-82. |
6/5/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Provided clarification (see red text) on how to answer question 224 if therapy for DLBCL was not given between diagnosis and the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. If the recipient did not receive therapy between diagnosis of DLBCL and the start of the preparative regimen / infusion, leave question 224 blank, override the validation error using the code “unable to answer,” and specify in the comments the recipient did not receive therapy for DLBCL prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. |
6/5/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Modify | Update the reporting instructions for question 201 (removed text is struck out and added text is in red): Indicate |
6/3/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Add | Provided clarification (see red text) on when to answer “not applicable” for questions 30 and 128. If testing for all of the listed driver mutations are negative, select “Not applicable (negative results).” |
6/3/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | The following instructions (red text) were added to question 1 to provide clarification on how to report the contact date for the 1-year reporting period for recipients who receive an allogeneic transplant. If this form is being completed for the 1-year reporting period for a recipient who received an allogeneic transplant, ensure the reported contact date is ≥ Day 365. Review the 1-Year Date of Contact for Allogeneic Transplants instructions below for additional information |
6/3/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | The following instructions (red text) were added to question 1 to provide clarification on how to report the contact date for the 1-year reporting period for recipients who receive an allogeneic transplant. If this form is being completed for the 1-year reporting period for a recipient who received an allogeneic transplant, ensure the reported contact date is ≥ Day 365. Review the 1-Year Date of Contact for Allogeneic Transplants instructions below for additional information |
6/3/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added clarification on how to report the pre-HCT disease status for recipient with amyloidosis who do not receive therapy. If therapy was not given to treat amyloidosis, report “Unknown” |
6/3/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Add | Provided clarification to questions 1, 4, and 5 that these questions are only enabled for PBSC and bone marrow products from non-NMDP donors. |
May 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
5/29/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added clarification that chromosomal microarrays / chromosomal genomic arrays should be reported within the FISH assessments data fields. |
5/28/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added clarification that chromosomal microarrays / chromosomal genomic array should be reported within the FISH assessment data fields. |
5/28/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Removed | For question 84, removed instructions allowing chromosomal microarrays / chromosomal genomic array to be reported in the molecular assessment data fields. These assessments should not be reported within the molecular assessment data fields. |
5/28/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Provided additional clarification on how to report the GFR if a range, “< X” or “> X” is listed and when the GFR calculator may be used. |
5/21/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Provided additional clarification on how to report the ordered dose when pharmacokinetic testing is performed in question 129. |
5/21/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Provided clarification on how to report molecular abnormalities identified by other methods of assessment. |
5/21/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Q106- Clarified the instructions for reporting drug dose: Report the total |
5/20/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Q104- Clarified the instructions for reporting drug dose: For each drug listed, checking the box will indicate it was given as part of the lymphodepleting therapy used prior to the cellular therapy infusion. Report the total |
5/19/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | For question 13, specified that a constant temperature is usually found in cord blood shipping containers. |
5/19/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated disease indication mentioned in guidance for answering question 101 from AML to ALL. |
5/19/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Added specification that questions 62 and 146 should be answered for all Hodgkin histologies. |
5/14/2020 | AML Response Criteria | Modify | Modified guidance on recipients with MDS that transformed to AML (red box at the beginning) to include more context on guidance. |
5/13/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated the following disease status criteria for hairy cell leukemia for question 378: Complete Remission, Stable Disease, and Progressive Disease. |
5/13/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Add | Added blue information box in Complete Response section providing guidance on Serum or Urine Immunofixation. |
5/13/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Remove | Removed the word “proven” from question 92 guidance. Removed verbiage from paragraphs defining “proven”. |
5/13/2020 | CML Response Criteria | Add | Added blue information box in the beginning, providing guidance on disease status tracking. |
5/13/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Modify | For question 428-436, under Date of Diagnosis, updated first sentence to say “Report the specimen collection date of the positive microbiology culture or laboratory report as the diagnosis date”. |
5/13/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated questions 23 and 115 so that, wherever indicated, “microarray” is now “chromosomal microarray”. |
5/13/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated question 389 to include criteria the the PET or combination PET / CT scan must meet to answer “yes” for this question. |
5/11/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Included instructions for questions that were added to the form (questions 111-113) intended to capture information on COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. |
5/11/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added in questions 50-51 to capture information regarding COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. |
5/10/2020 | MDS Response Criteria | Modify | Removed the MPN response criteria to align with the separation of the MDS and MPN disease-specific forms. |
5/10/2020 | MPN Response Criteria | Add | Separated the MPN response criteria to align with the new MPN disease-specific forms. |
5/10/2020 | 2149: Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data | Add | Version 1 of the 2149: Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Data section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2149. |
5/10/2020 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Add | Version 1 of the 2157: MPN Post-HCT section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2157. |
5/10/2020 | 2057: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Pre-Infusion | Add | Version 1 of the 2057: MPN Pre-Infusion section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2057. |
5/9/2020 | MDS Post-HCT | Modify | Version 3 of the 2114: MDS Post-HCT section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 4 of the Form 2114. |
5/9/2020 | 2014: MDS Pre-Infusion | Modify | Version 3 of the 2014: MDS Pre-Infusion section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 4 of the Form 2014. |
5/9/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Version 6 of the 2400: Pre-TED section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 6 corresponds to revision 7 of the Form 2400. |
5/9/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Version 5 of the 2402: Pre-TED Disease Classification section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 5 corresponds to revision 5 of the Form 2402. |
5/8/20 | 2541: Inotuzumab Ozogamacin (Besponsa™) Supplemental Data | Modify | Updated units of measure for Questions 7-8 verbiage to “m/m 2”. |
5/8/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added guidance to questions 124-125 to document unit of measure to the nearest tenth. |
5/8/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added guidance to questions 329-330 to document unit of measure to the nearest tenth. |
5/8/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added guidance to questions 326-327 to document unit of measure to the nearest tenth. |
5/8/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added guidance to questions 127-128 to document unit of measure to the nearest tenth. |
5/8/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Added guidance for question 139-140 to document unit of measure to the nearest tenth. |
5/8/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Added guidance for question 142-143 to document unit of measure to the nearest tenth. |
5/7/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Added guidance for question 192: “Question 192 is disabled and should not be answered. This question will be removed when the form is next revised”. |
5/7/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Modified guidance on answering question 278, guidance now states “Question 278 is disabled and should not be answered. This question will be removed when the form is next revised”. |
5/7/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | For questions 69-74, added phrase after bulleted items stating “If testing was performed as captured in question 64…”. |
5/7/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | For question 64, added sentence “Questions 69-74 will then be disabled”. |
5/7/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | For question 11, added the following guidance on zip codes: The zip or postal code is required for USA residents. The postal code is optional for Canadian residents. The question can be answered or left blank without error for Canadian residents. |
5/5/2020 | “4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up” | Modify | Added a clarification to the blue note box below question 9: If the primary disease reported is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CLL), Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL), Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), or Multiple Myeloma (MM) best response should not be answered on this form. It will be captured on the corresponding disease form. The question should be left blank and please override the error at this time. |
5/5/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Remove | Removed blue note box: |
April 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
4/7/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | For question 41, added guidance on the intent of the question. |
4/7/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | For question 303, added guidance on the intent of the question. |
4/7/2020 | 2128: Aplastic Anemia Post-HCT | Modify | Updated red blood cell independence instructions (question 1) to make determinations based on the date of contact rather than the date of last report. Also added guidance that if the recipient was transfusion independent for part of the reporting period, but then is dependent again at the end of the reporting period, select “no” and continue to question 2. |
4/7/2020 | 2553: VOD/SOS | Add | Added reporting guidance for scenario when drugs given for liver prophylaxis (red information box). |
4/7/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added guidance on reporting estimated dates after question 18 (blue information box). |
4/7/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Added guidance on reporting estimated dates (in blue informational box). |
4/7/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Added sentence after question 80-81 stating Documentation from an RN who has been trained and authorized to determine performance scores may also be used. |
4/7/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | For question 109-100, added the following guidance for Karnofsky/Lansky scores: Documentation from an RN who has been trained and authorized to determine performance scores may also be used. |
4/7/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | For question 85-86, added the following guidance on Karnofsky/Lansky score documentation: Documentation from an RN who has been trained and authorized to determine performance scores may also be used. |
4/7/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Add | Under light chain only myeloma CR criteria, added negative immunofixation on both serum and urine samples (added serum to criteria). |
4/7/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Modify | Updated question numbers in section Q224-233: Disease Assessment at the Failure of the 1st Line of Therapy. |
4/7/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added blue informational box before questions 23, 50, 77, 115, and 153 providing clarification on questions capturing molecular markers. |
4/7/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Remove | Removed erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) as an example of another disease for question 364. Example now given is dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB). |
4/7/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added red warning box with guidance on erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) after question 1. |
4/6/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Remove | Removed the word “unrelated” from question 60, which now reads NMDP donor ID. |
4/6/2020 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | Added guidance on Free Light Chain Ratios. |
4/6/2020 | Plasma Cell Leukemia Response Criteria | Add | Added guidance on Free Light Chain Ratios. |
4/6/2020 | Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria | Add | Added guidance (blue box) on normal ranges for Free Light Chain Ratios. |
4/6/2020 | 2814: Indication for CRID Assignment | Add | Added sentence to question 5 providing guidance on when to select ‘no’. |
4/6/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | In section Q144-170: Donor/Infant Demographic Information, moved question 147 to question 159. |
4/6/2020 | 2000: Recipient Baseline | Remove | Question 38 – removed CMV exception for serologic tests. |
4/6/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Updated hyperlink in Lost to Follow Up section for the Lost to Follow Up Tool. |
4/6/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Remove | Removed sentence in Lost to Follow Up section in introduction – If your center receives documented information that a recipient is alive or dead, the form should be filled out with the recipient survival status. |
4/6/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Modify | Updated hyperlink in Lost to Follow Up section for the Lost to Follow Up Tool. |
4/6/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Remove | Removed sentence in Lost to Follow Up section in introduction – If your center receives documented information that a recipient is alive or dead, the form should be filled out with the recipient survival status. |
4/6/2020 | Appendix A: Abbreviations and Definitions | Add | Added definitions for CPI, CTA, CVDR, and TCSA. |
March 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
3/27/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Modify | Modified sentence referring reader to question 188 for POEMS syndrome to recipient having a primary disease of monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS) in the section Q157-187: Pre-HCT Therapy. |
3/27/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Modify | Updated question numbers found in guidance for answering questions 54 and 91 in the section Q54-109: Organ Parameters of Amyloidosis at the Time of Best Response. |
3/27/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Modify | Updated question numbers found in guidance for answering questions 256 and 293 in the section Q253-311: Current Status of Amyloidosis for this Reporting Period. |
3/27/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added sentence for guidance on answering question 251 in that says This question will not be enabled if the primary disease for transplant is monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS). in the section Q211-252: Disease Status at the Time of Evaluation for this Reporting Period. |
3/27/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added sentence for guidance on answering question 3 in that says This question will not be enabled if the primary disease for transplant is monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS). in the section Q3-53: Disease Assessment at the Time of Best Response to HCT or Cellular Therapy. |
3/27/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Replaced “>” with “>/=” for guidance for question 324 in section Q306-339: Inherited Abnormalities of Erythrocyte Differentiation or Function. |
3/27/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added sentence for question 298 in section Q254-301: Multiple Myeloma / Plasma Cell Disorder, stating This question will not be enabled if the primary disease for transplant is monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS). |
3/23/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Added link for determining pediatric BMI-for-age for obesity guidelines. |
3/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | In the Q88-113: Comorbid Conditions section, updated cardiac reporting guideline for congestive heart failure to include guidance on LVEF. |
3/23/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Added guidance on LV straing percentage to questions 77-78 and 262-263. |
3/23/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | Added guidance to questions 46 – 47, 58-59, 64-65, 70-71, and 76-77 regarding scenarios where center’s laboratory assay only measures viable cells. |
3/23/2020 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | Added definition for Very Good Partial Response (VGPR). |
3/23/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | In the Q88-113: Comorbid Conditions section, added guidance to obesity reporting guideline for calculating BMI-for-age for pediatric patients. |
3/23/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated “CLL” to “NHL” in the Common Disease Transformations table in section Q1-2: Primary Disease for HCT / Cellular Therapy. |
3/23/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Added “(regardless of an LVEF >50% at the start of preparative regimen)” after congestive heart failure bullet point. |
3/23/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added information about the LV strain percentage in the Q253-311: Current Status pf Amyloidosis for this Reporting Period section for questions 265-266. |
3/23/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Added information about the LV strain percentage in the Q54-109: Organ Parameters of Amyloidosis at the Time of Best Response section for questions 63-64. |
3/20/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | In the Q46-83: Donor Information section, updated instructions for question 51 to include more specific criteria for a genetically modified product. |
3/20/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Added guidance in introduction to Q166-223: Pre-HCT Therapy on scenario where recipient’s lymphoma histology transforms between diagnosis and start of preparative regimen. |
3/11/2020 | 2128: Aplastic Anemia Post-HCT | Modify | Updated the platelet transfusion independence instructions by removing (strike through) and adding (red) text as indicated below: Indicate if the recipient was platelet transfusion independent If the recipient was platelet transfusion independent If the recipient was not platelet transfusion independent If the recipient is transfusion independent for a portion of the reporting period, but then is dependent again at the end of the reporting period, select “no” and continue with question 4. If it is unknown if the recipient was platelet transfusion independent |
3/6/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Added sentence in guidance for question 177 in section Q131-233: Acute Graft vs. Host Disease. Sentence provides guidance on scenario when maximum overall grade was achieved, but specific organ staging varies. |
3/6/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Remove | Removed “reasons other than” in guidance given on Cellular Therapy reporting for question 115 in section Q106-116: Relapse or Progression Post-HCT. |
3/6/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated “report the value” to “report the percent” after question after questions 78-89 in section Q3-95: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. |
3/6/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | In Q114-128: Pre-HCT Preparative Regimen section, updated instructions for question 124 – 125 to report drug doses to the nearest tenth. |
3/6/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | In Q114-128: Pre-HCT Preparative Regimen section, updated instructions for question 115 to report weight to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. |
3/6/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Moved “arrhythmia” designation after question 93 in sectionQ88 – 113: Comorbid Conditions in the Documented Medical History list. Removed “other” listing after “Current Diagnosis at the Time of Pre-HCT Evaluation” list. |
3/6/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Added “mild” specification in valve regurgitation listing for table of conditions that are not relevant transplant outcomes or risk. |
3/6/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added sentence in second paragraph of Question 106-116: Relapse or Progression Post-HCT regarding scenario where recipient receives a chemotherapy agent that is not listed. |
3/5/2020 | “2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up”:“https://www.manula.com/manuals/cibmtr/fim/1/en/topic/2100 | Modify | Changed survival status text after Question 1 in section “”:https://www.manula.com/manuals/cibmtr/fim/1/en/topic/q1-7-vital-statusQ1-5: Vital Status. Instead of completing the POst-TED Form reporting only survival status, the Survival Tool in the CIBMTR Data Management Guide should be used (link to Survival Tool provided after question 1). |
3/5/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Changed survival status text after Question 1 in section Q1-6: Survival. Instead of completing the POst-TED Form reporting only survival status, the Survival Tool in the CIBMTR Data Management Guide should be used (link to Survival Tool provided after question 1). |
3/5/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Added “demonstrated on labial biopsy (labial biopsy not required)” after question 303 in section Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease. |
3/5/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added “demonstrated on labial biopsy (labial biopsy not required)” after question 41 in section Graft versus Host Disease. |
3/5/20 | ALL Post-Infusion | Add | In section Disease Assessment at the Time of Best Response to HCT, guidance for question 1 on scenarios where 2111 is completed for both the cellular therapy and HCT track. |
3/3/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Added “allogeneic HCT” and “allogeneic HCT recipient whose” in the blue note box at the beginning of Q58-77: Chimerism Studies. |
3/2/2020 | Cellular Therapy Manuals | Modify | Updated and clarified when autologous cellular therapy data can be collected in the context of patient consent for research |
3/2/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added the following sentence to reporting instruction for question 158-160: Other grade 4 toxicities / symptoms that are reported should be related to the cellular therapy infusion that are documented in the medical record as clinically important and relevant and do not fit into another category listed on this form. |
3/2/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added the following sentence to reporting instruction for question 151-153: Other grade 3 toxicities / symptoms that are reported should be related to the cellular therapy infusion that are documented in the medical record as clinically important and relevant and do not fit into another category listed on this form. |
3/2/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Add | Added the following sentence to reporting instruction for question 145-146: Other toxicities that are reported should be related to the cellular therapy infusion that are documented in the medical record as clinically important and relevant and do not fit into another category listed on this form. |
February 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
2/27/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | Updated the text for questions 163-165 as indicated below (removed text is struck out and added text is in red): If the |
2/21/2020 | 2110: AML Post-Infusion | Modify | Modified question 51-52 in the Disease Detection Since Date of Last Report section. |
2/19/2020 | Appendix G: Tracking Disease Status for Multiple Myeloma | Modify | Updated this appendix and the linked documents to remove the Near Complete Remission (nCR) disease response criteria. This disease response was removed in accordance with revision 4 of the Forms 2016/2116. |
2/19/2020 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Modify | Updated number from 64 to 20 on ALL Pre-Infusion main page. |
2/19/2020 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Modify | Updated 69 to 32 on 2010: AML Pre-Infusion main page. |
2/19/2020 | 2118: LYM Post-Infusion Data | Modify | Changed the instruction for for reporting question 89. This was previously updated in question 87 (see below) but modified the following instruction to question 89 (for additional clarity) by removing (strike through) and adding (red) text as indicated below. The center does not need to repeat all disease-specific assessments ( |
2/19/2020 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Added information after Questions 1-2 and Questions 83-85 on double-hit or triple-hit lymphomas. |
2/19/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Added information about double-hit or triple-hit lymphomas to questions 236-237 in the Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma section. |
2/19/2020 | 2118: LYM Post-Infusion Data | Add | Added guidance in Disease Assessment at the Time of Best Response to HCT or Cellular Therapy, after question 1, on scenarios where the form is completed for both the cellular therapy and HCT tracks. |
2/19/2020 | ALL Post-Infusion | Add | In section Disease Assessment at the Time of Best Response to HCT, added scenarios in introduction for instances when form is completed for both the cellular therapy track and HCT track. |
2/19/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added information on tandem transplant in the introduction to the Disease Assessment at the Time of Best Response to HCT section. Added example to question 78. |
2/19/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Added information on tandem transplant in the introduction to the Current Disease Status section. Added examples to question 117. |
2/14/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Added the following sentence to reporting instruction for question 486-487: If the recipient was intubated multiple times within the reporting period, please report the first date of intubation. |
2/14/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Add | Added the following sentence to reporting instruction for question 488-489: If the recipient was extubated multiple times within the reporting period, please report the last date of extubation. |
2/14/2020 | Form 2111, Q95-130: Disease Status at the Time of Evaluation for This Reporting Period | Modify | Updated “51 – 84” to “48 – 80” in question 95. |
2/10/2020 | 2804: CIBMTR Research ID Assignment Form | Remove | Removed the warning boxes above questions 8, 9, and 10 indicating that the fields were disabled. These fields were enabled at the time of the Winter 2020 release. |
2/6/2020 | “4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up” | Modify | Added table to display organ/system and applicable symptoms for grade 3 & 4 organ toxicities. |
2/3/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Updated the instructions in the multiple myeloma section of the Disease Classification (2402) form to reflect that all cytogenetic abnormalities reported on the updated version of the form should be at diagnosis. Previous revisions of this form captured all cytogenetic abnormalities prior to the start of the preparative regimen. |
January 2020
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
1/30/2020 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Remove | Removed information on reporting “Other comorbidities” as this is no longer an option on the new Pre-TED (2400) form. |
1/29/2020 | 2814: Indication for CRID Assignment | Add | Added the following instruction for how to report the date of transplant for intrauterine transplants: Intrauterine Transplants For intrauterine transplants, report the date of birth as the date of transplant to avoid errors from occurring in FormsNet3SM. |
1/29/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Modify | Clarified best response valid options in Table 1. |
1/27/2020 | 2100: Post-HCT Follow-Up | Modify | Added the following reporting instruction for the date of contact (question 1) in red below: Enter the date of actual contact with recipient to determine medical status for this follow-up report. Acceptable evaluations include those from the transplant center, referring physician, or other physician currently assuming responsibility for the recipient’s care. Please capture a physician evaluation that falls within the appropriate range, if possible, rather than other types of patient contact that may be closer to the actual time point. If an evaluation was not performed at Day+100, at 6 months, or on the HCT anniversary, choose the date of the visit closest to the actual time point. |
1/24/2020 | 2400: Pre-TED | Modify | Version 5 of the 2400: Pre-TED section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 5 corresponds to revision 6 of the Form 2400. |
1/24/2020 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Version 4 of the 2402: Disease Classification section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 4 of the Form 2402. |
1/24/2020 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Version 4 of the 2450: Post-TED section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 5 of the Form 2450. |
1/24/2020 | 2000: Recipient Baseline | Modify | Version 3 of the 2000: Recipient Baseline section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 5 of the Form 2000. |
1/24/2020 | 2004: Infectious Disease Markers | Modify | Version 4 of the 2004: Infectious Disease Markers section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 5 of the Form 2004. |
1/24/2020 | 2005: Confirmation of HLA Typing | Modify | Version 4 of the 2005: Confirmation of HLA Typing section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 7 of the Form 2005. |
1/24/2020 | 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion | Modify | Version 4 of the 2006: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Infusion section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 5 of the Form 2006. |
1/24/2020 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Modify | Version 3 of the 2016: Plasma Cell Disorders (PCD) Pre-Infusion Data section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 4 of the Form 2016. |
1/24/2020 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Modify | Version 3 of the 2016: Plasma Cell Disorders (PCD) Post-Infusion Data section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 4 of the Form 2116. |
1/24/2020 | 2542: Mogamulizumab Supplemental Data Collection | Add | Version 1 of the 2542: Mogamuluizumab Supplemental Data Collection section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2542. |
1/24/2020 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Version 4 of the 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 6 of the form 4000. |
1/24/2020 | 4003: Cellular Therapy Product | Modify | Version 3 of the 4003: Cellular Therapy Product section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 3 corresponds to revision 3 of the Form 4003. |
1/24/2020 | 4006: Cellular Therapy Infusion | Modify | Version 4 of the 4006: Cellular Therapy Infusion section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 4 corresponds to revision 4 of the Form 4006. |
1/24/2020 | 4100: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Follow-Up | Modify | Version 5 section of the Forms Instruction Manual released. Version 5 corresponds to revision 5 of the Form 4100. |
Last modified:
Jan 07, 2021
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