Hematologic Response
Complete Response
Requires all of the following:
- Serum and urine negative for monoclonal proteins by immunofixation
- Normal serum free light chain ratio
Very Good Partial Response
- Reduction in the difference between the involved and uninvolved serum free light chain to < 40 mg/L.
Partial Response (PR)
Requires any of the following:
- ≥ 50% reduction in serum monoclonal protein levels (if > 0.5 g / dL or > 5 g / L at baseline)
- ≥ 50% reduction in urine light chains (if >100 mg / day at baseline)
- ≥ 50% decrease in difference between the involved and uninvolved serum free light chain (if >10 mg / dL or >100 mg / L at baseline)
No Response (NR)/Stable Disease (SD)
Does not meet the criteria for CR, PR, or progressive disease.
Progressive Disease (PD)
Requires any of the following:
- If progressing from CR, any detectable monoclonal protein or abnormal free light chain ratio (light chain must double)
- If progressive from PR or SD, ≥ 50% increase in the serum M protein to > 0.5 g/dL, or ≥ 50% increase in urine M protein to > 200mg/day with visible peak present.
- Serum free light chain increase of ≥ 50% to > 10 mg/dL (100 mg/L)
Cardiac Response
Cardiac Response
Requires any of the following:
- > 30% and > 300 ng /l decrease in recipients with baseline N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) ≥ 650 ng/L or
- ≥ 2 class decrease in recipients with baseline New York Heart Association functional class class of 3 or 4
No Response/Stable Disease
Does not meet the criteria for cardiac response or progressive disease
Progressive Disease
Requires any of the following:
- > 30% and > 300 ng/l increase in N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)1 or
- ≥ 33% increase in cardiac troponin (cTn) or
- ≥ 10% decrease in ejection fraction
1 Recipients with progressively worsening renal function cannot be score for NT-proBNP progression. Progressively worsening renal function is defined as 50% increase (at least 1 g / day) of 24-hour urine protein from baseline to > 1 g / day or 25% worsening of serum creatinine or creatinine clearance from baseline
Hepatic Response
Hepatic Response
Requires all of the following:
- ≥ 2 cm decrease in liver span if hepatomegaly present (liver > 15 cm)
- ≥ 50% decrease and/or normalization of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level
No Response/Stable Disease
Does not meet the criteria for hepatic response or progressive disease
Progressive Disease
Requires the following:
- ≥ 50% increase in the serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level
Autonomic Neuropathy Response
Autonomic Neuropathy Response
Resolution of symptomatic orthostatic hypotension
No Response/Stable Disease
Does not meet the criteria for autonomic neuropathy response or progressive disease
Progressive Disease
Worsening of symptomatic orthostatic hypotension
Peripheral Neuropathy Response
Peripheral Neuropathy Response
Requires any of the following:
- Resolution of abnormal physical findings
- Resolution or improvement of abnormal electromyography (EMG) and/or Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) findings
No Response/Stable Disease
Does not meet the criteria for peripheral neuropathy response or progressive disease
Progressive Disease
Requires any of the following:
- Worsening of physical findings
- Worsening of EMG and/or NCV findings
Renal Response
Renal Response
- ≥ 50% decrease of at least 0.5 g/day (500mg/24hr) in 24-hour urine protein of > 0.5 g/day (500mg/24hr) pre-treatment and
- Creatinine clearance or serum creatinine must not have worsened by ≥ 25% over baseline
If only serum creatinine is obtained, an estimated creatinine clearance can be calculated using the following formula:
Estimated Creatinine Clearance = [(140 – Age (years)) * Weight (kg)] / [72 * Serum Creatinine (mg/dL)]
The calculation should be multiplied by 0.85 for women
No Response/Stable Disease
Does not meet the criteria for renal response or progressive disease
Progressive Disease
Requires any of the following:
- ≥ 50% increase of at least 1 g/day (1000mg/24hr) for urine protein to > 1g/day (1000mg/24hr)
- 25% worsening of serum creatinine or creatinine clearance
Manual Updates:
Sections of the Forms Instruction Manual are frequently updated. The most recent updates to the manual can be found below. For additional information, select the manual section and review the updated text.
If you need to reference the historical Manual Change History for this form, please click here or reference the retired manual section on the Retired Forms Manuals webpage.
Date | Manual Section | Add/Remove/Modify | Description |
5/18/22 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | The Consecutive Assessment Requirements blue instruction box added: The Hematologic Response requires two consecutive assessments made by the same method at any time before the institution of any new therapy. Organ responses (i.e., Hepatic, Peripheral Neuropathy, Cardiac) do not require confirmatory assessments. |
5/18/22 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Modify | The Partial Response criteria for Hematologic Response was updated to be consistent with the Working Group Response criteria:
5/18/22 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Modify | Cardiac response criteria update to be consistent with Working Group Response criteria. Cardiac response: |
5/26/21 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Modify | The Partial Response criteria for Hematologic Response was updated to be consistent with the amyloid response criteria: * ≥ 50% reduction in * ≥ 50 reduction in urine light chains (if >100 mg / day at baseline) * ≥ 50 decrease in clonal serum free light chain levels (if >10 mg / dL or >100 mg / L at baseline) |
12/22/20 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | Clarified in the Hematologic Response criteria that free light chain ratios are for the serum . |
8/4/2020 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Remove | Removed the following (struck out below) criteria from the Hematologic Complete Response Criteria: Requires all of the following:
4/6/2020 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | Added guidance on Free Light Chain Ratios. |
4/19/19 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Modify | Modified the following sections (removed text is struck out below, added text is in red) of the Amyloidosis Response Criteria: Partial Response:
12/3/18 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | Added further clarification for the Renal Response criteria (indicated in red below):
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