January 2022
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
May 2022
August 2022
September 2022
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Updates made during the current calendar year are included below. For updates prior to 2022, click on the subtopic corresponding to the year of interest. If you need to reference an archived manual section for a retired form, please refer to the Retired Forms Manuals webpage.
December 2022
12/12/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Clarified when to report other grade 4 organ toxicities/symptoms: If Other is selected, then the grade 4 toxicities / symptoms that are reported should be related to the cellular therapy infusion that are documented in the medical record as clinically important and relevant and do not fit into another category listed on this form. |
12/12/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Clarified when to report other grade 3 organ toxicities/symptoms: If Other is selected, then the grade 3 toxicities / symptoms that are reported should be related to the cellular therapy infusion that are documented in the medical record as clinically important and relevant and do not fit into another category listed on this form. |
November 2022
11/15/2022 | Q89-202: Toxicities | Modify | Clarified how to report a fever documented from a home test: Fevers (≥100.4F or ≥38C): A disorder characterized by elevation of the body’s temperature above the upper limit of normal. Do not report fever if less than 100.4F or 38C in this field. Fever less than 100.4F or 38C does not qualify as a symptom of CRS. Report the date of fever onset in question 87. If there were multiple fevers in the reporting period, report the first occurrence. If the recipient self-reported a fever from a home test, and the date is documented in the medical records, report the date of the home test. |
11/14/2022 | 2199: Donor Lymphocyte Infusion | Modify | Added sentence about time point of best response: Report best response to DLI when the assessment was done per routine clinical evaluation, within 30-60 days post-infusion, and prior to any subsequent DLI. |
October 2022
10/27/2022 | Q1-31: Product Identification | Modify | Added CarvyktiTM to the blue note box above below14: If the cellular therapy product infused is the commercially available product Kymriah® ,or BreyanziTM, Abecma®, or CarvyktiTM this question will be disabled. |
10/20/2022 | MPN Response Criteria | Add | The Determining Post-Infusion Baseline Assessments blue box added: Determining Post-Infusion Baseline Assessments When determining the post-infusion disease status, the most recent lab values prior to the start of the preparative regimen should be used as the baseline assessments. However, if relapse or progression occurs after infusion, the labs from relapse / progression should be used. |
10/20/2022 | MPN Response Criteria | Add | The Determining Pre-Infusion Baseline Assessments blue box added: Determining Pre-Infusion Baseline Assessments When determining the pre-infusion disease status, use the lab values from diagnosis of the primary disease for infusion as the baseline assessments. However, if relapse or progression occurs prior to infusion, the labs from relapse / progression should be used. |
10/20/2022 | MDS Response Criteria | Add | The Determining Post-Infusion Baseline Assessments blue box added: Determining Post-Infusion Baseline Assessments When determining the post-infusion disease status, the most recent lab values prior to the start of the preparative regimen should be used as the baseline assessments. However, if relapse or progression occurs after infusion, the labs from relapse / progression should be used. |
10/20/2022 | MDS Response Criteria | Add | The Determining Pre-Infusion Baseline Assessments blue box added: Determining Pre-Infusion Baseline Assessments When determining the pre-infusion disease status, use the lab values from diagnosis of the primary disease for infusion as the baseline assessments. However, if relapse or progression occurs prior to infusion, the labs from relapse / progression should be used. |
10/20/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Instructions for Q17 – 18 updated to include PedAL option: If the study sponsor is reported as USIDNET, COG, or PedAL continue with Subject ID. |
10/20/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Instructions for Q16 updated to include PedAL option: Indicate if the recipient is a registered participant with BMT-CTN, RCI-BMT, USIDNET, COG, PedAL and/or another clinical trial sponsor that uses CIBMTR forms to capture outcomes data. |
10/18/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarification added on how to answer Q135 – 139 when peri-transplant drugs were not given: If the recipient did not receive any of the drugs listed above, leave these questions blank and override the error as ‘verified correct.’ |
10/17/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Updated the continue with question number: If the reason for the new course of cellular therapy was Failure to respond or in response to disease assessment or for a New indication, continue with question 10 |
10/17/2022 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Removed the following text: |
10/17/2022 | 2016: PCD Pre-Infusion | Add | Q181 updated for clarification: Cellular therapy treatment strategies include isolation and transfer of specific stem cell populations, administration of effector cells (e.g., cytotoxic T-cells), induction of mature cells to become pluripotent cells, and reprogramming of mature cells (e.g., CAR-T cells). Report Yes if the recipient received cellular therapy as part of the line of therapy being reported. For subsequent infusions, this includes any previous cell therapy infusions to treat disease already reported to the CIBMTR. If not, report No. |
10/17/2022 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | The instructions for question 216 were updated: Cellular therapy treatment strategies include isolation and transfer of specific stem cell populations, administration of effector cells (e.g., cytotoxic T-cells), induction of mature cells to become pluripotent cells, and reprogramming of mature cells (e.g., CAR T-cells). Report “Yes” if the recipient received cellular therapy as part of the line of therapy being reported. For subsequent infusions, this includes any previous cell therapy infusions to treat disease already reported to the CIBMTR. If not, report “No.” |
10/17/2022 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Additional information added for clarification: Cellular therapy treatment strategies include isolation and transfer of specific stem cell populations, administration of effector cells (e.g., cytotoxic T-cells), induction of mature cells to become pluripotent cells, and reprogramming of mature cells (e.g., CAR T-cells). Report “Yes” if the recipient received cellular therapy as part of the line of therapy being reported. For subsequent infusions, this includes any previous cell therapy infusion to treat disease already reported to the CIBMTR. If not, report “No.” |
10/17/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Instructions updated for Q391 updated for clarification: |
10/17/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | Red instruction box added above Q391: CLL with Richter’s Transformation If the recipient is receiving an infusion for CLL and there was a Richter’s transformation to lymphoma, the primary disease for infusion should be reported as Hodgkin lymphoma (150) or Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (100) and not Other Leukemia (30). |
10/17/2022 | LYM Response Criteria | Add | Blue instruction box added to clarify an MRI may be used in place of a CT for the radiographic response criteria for recipients with CNS lymphoma. |
10/10/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Clarified in questions 92-94 what not to report for other CRS therapy (in red): Examples of what not to report as other therapy include, but are not limited to, acetaminophen (Tylenol®) albumin, antibiotics, IV fluids, or any brand name or specific corticosteroids administered. |
10/10/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Clarified in questions 95-105 what not to report for other hypotension therapy (in red): Examples of what not to report as other therapy include, but are not limited to, acetaminophen (Tylenol®) albumin, antibiotics, |
September 2022
9/29/2021 | 4006: Cellular Therapy Infusion | Modify | Added CarvyktiTM to the blue note box above question 14: Product specific reporting guides for reporting cells administered can be requested for Kymriah®, BreyanziTM, Abecma®, and CarvyktiTM by contacting CIBMTR Center Support. |
9/29/2022 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Add | Added blue note box above question 122: Prior to answering Were there any co-existing diseases or organ impairment present according to the HCT comorbidity index (HCT-CI) question, review the list of co-existing disease(s) and/or organ impairments listed below. |
9/29/2022 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Updated text in red: Current Diagnosis at the Time of Pre- Infusion Evaluation |
9/29/2022 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Moved ‘Rheumatologic’ and ‘Prior malignancy, requiring treatment’ to the Documented medical history list. Added ‘heart value disease’ under Current Diagnosis at the Time of Pre-Infusion Evaluation |
9/29/2022 | 4000: Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion | Modify | Removed text from the blue note box: |
9/23/2022 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Update infection criteria to be consistent with Pre-TED (2400) released on 9/23/2022: The presence of one or more of the following requiring continuation of therapeutic antimicrobial / antifungal / antiviral treatment after Day 0: Therapy must have started prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion with the recommendation documented to continue therapy after the infusion. |
9/21/2022 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Modify | Instructions above Q234 were updated: All values reported in questions 234-288 must reflect the most recent testing prior to the start of the preparative regimen / lymphodepleting therapy (or infusion if no preparative regimen / lymphodepleting therapy was given). Do not report testing performed during a line of therapy reported in questions 167-223. If testing was not performed near the start of the preparative regimen / lymphodepleting therapy / infusion (within approximately 30 days) and after the most recent line of therapy (if applicable), the |
9/21/2022 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Instructions for Q173 updated: Indicate if the |
9/21/2022 | MDS Post-HCT | Modify | Instructions for Q143 updated as original instructions were incorrect: Indicate if the |
9/20/2022 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Update instructions to be consistent with question text: If a |
9/16/2022 | MDS Post-HCT | Modify | Instructions for Q59 updated to be consistent with question text: If |
9/11/2022 | 2018: LYM Pre-Infusion | Add | Q217 and 219 were updated to clarify a scan performed during the line of therapy can be reported as the best response: The instructions for question 219 were updated: _Indicate the best response to the line of therapy by PET using the international working group metabolic criteria provided in LYM Response Criteria section of the Forms Instruction Manual. The best response may occur during or after the line of therapy. Report “Not assessed” if a PET scan was not performed during |
9/9/2022 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Update psychiatric criteria to be consistent with Pre-TED (2400) form: Any psychiatric illness requiring continuous psychiatric treatment within four weeks prior to the pre-transplant work-up period. Examples include depression, anxiety, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. |
August 2022
8/12/2022 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Additional information added for clarification: Indicate whether the percent blasts in the peripheral blood is “Known” or “Unknown” at the time of diagnosis. This may be determined by an automated differential, a manual count, or flow cytometry. Testing by any of these methods may be reported in questions 4-6. If “Known,” report the laboratory value, unit of measure, and date sample collected. If the exact date is not known, use the process described for reporting partial or unknown dates in General Instructions, Guidelines for Completing Forms. If the percent blasts in blood at diagnosis is not known, report “Unknown” and go to question 7. If a differential was performed and there were no blasts present in the peripheral blood, the lab report may not display a column for blasts. In this case, it can be assumed no blasts are present and ‘0’ should be reported. |
8/12/2022 | 2010: AML Pre-Infusion | Add | Additional instructions added for clarification: Indicate whether the percent blasts in the peripheral blood is “Known” or “Unknown” at the time of diagnosis. This may be determined by an automated differential, a manual count, or flow cytometry. Testing by any of these methods may be reported in questions 17-19. If “Known,” report the laboratory value, unit of measure, and date sample collected. If the exact date is not known, use the process described for reporting partial or unknown dates in General Instructions, Guidelines for Completing Forms. If the percent blasts in blood at diagnosis is not known, report “Unknown” and go to question 20. If a differential was performed and there were no blasts present in the peripheral blood, the lab report may not display a column for blasts. In this case, it can be assumed no blasts are present and ‘0’ should be reported. |
8/12/2022 | 2011: ALL Pre-Infusion | Add | Additional information added for clarification: Indicate whether the percent blasts in the peripheral blood is “Known” or “Unknown” at the last evaluation prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. This may be determined by an automated differential, a manual count, or flow cytometry. Testing by any of these methods may be reported in questions 67-69. If “Known,” report the laboratory value, unit of measure, and date sample collected. If the exact date is not known, use the process described for reporting partial or unknown dates in General Instructions, Guidelines for Completing Forms. If the percent blasts in blood at the last evaluation prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion is not known, report “Unknown” and go to question 70. If a differential was performed and there were no blasts present in the peripheral blood, the lab report may not display a column for blasts. In this case, it can be assumed no blasts are present and ‘0’ should be reported. |
May 2022
5/20/2022 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Clarification added that Q160 will not come due when NA is reported: Indicate if the date the radiation therapy stopped is Known, Unknown, or Not applicable. If Known, enter the date the line of radiation therapy ended. Report Not applicable if the recipient is still receiving therapy. When Not applicable is selected, the radiation dose will not be reported in the next question. However, once radiation stops (i.e., the radiation stop date is Known), the dose will be reported. |
5/20/2022 | 2116: PCD Post-Infusion | Add | Instructions added on how to report the total dose when radiation continued from the prior reporting period: If radiation started in a previous reporting period (i.e., Not applicable was reported as the therapy end date for the prior reporting period) and continued into the current reporting period, report the total dose administered since radiation started (including the doses given in the previous reporting period). Example B: A recipient started radiation at end of the Day 100 reporting period. 200 cGy for 3 doses were given (total dose in the Day 100 reporting period is 600 cGy). Radiation continued into the 6-month reporting period and an additional 200 cGy for 4 doses were given (total dose given in the 6-month reporting period is 800 cGy). The total dose of radiation should be reported as 1400 cGy (600 cGy + 800 cGy). |
5/19/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Modify | Updated the ‘go to’ instructions for Q311: Report Yes if the plan was to complete all conditioning, infusions, and recovery in the outpatient setting. If the plan was to admit the patient for any part of the transplant, report No and continue with question |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Reporting ‘No’ for Clinical / Hematologic Assessments blue instruction box added above Q104 |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report yes and no for Q104: If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report the assessment date for Q105: If the best response is Not in complete remission – no disease detected but incomplete evaluation to establish CR, report the |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on when to report no and yes for Q101: Report No if radiologic assessments were If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report If the recipient’ best response is Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report the assessment date for Q102: If the best response is Complete remission, report the date of the assessment performed nearest the date of best response within the time window and prior to relapse or progression, if applicable. If the best response is Not in complete remission – no disease detected but incomplete evaluation to establish CR, report the |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on when to report no and yes for Q98: Report No if karyotyping studies were If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report If the recipient’ best response is Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report the assessment date for Q99: If the best response is Complete remission, report the date of testing performed nearest the date of best response within the time window and prior to relapse or progression, if applicable. If the best response is Not in complete remission, report the date of the most recent karyotype testing performed during the reporting period and prior to |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Instructions clarified on how to report yes for Q100: Report whether the recipient’s primary disease was detected by karyotyping on the date reported in question 100. Do not include clinically insignificant polymorphism, or chromosomal abnormalities of no known significance, as disease detected; this includes anomalies such as age-dependent loss of the chromosome Y This question may be reported as Yes even when Not in complete remission – no disease detected but incomplete evaluation to establish CR is reported as the best response. |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Instructions clarified on how to report yes for Q97: Report whether the recipient’s primary disease was detected by FISH testing on the date reported in question 96 This question may be reported as Yes even when Not in complete remission – no disease detected but incomplete evaluation to establish CR is reported as the best response. |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report the assessment date for Q96: If the best response is Complete remission, report the date of testing performed nearest the date of best response within the time window and prior to relapse or progression, if applicable. If the best response is Not in complete remission, report the date of the most recent FISH testing performed during the reporting period and prior to |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on when to report no and yes for Q95: Report No if FISH studies were If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report If the recipient’ best response is Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on when to report no and yes for Q94: Report No if cytogenetic studies were If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report If the recipient’ best response is Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Instructions clarified on how to report yes for Q93: Report whether the recipient’s primary disease was detected by flow cytometry on the date reported in question 93. Report Yes if an abnormal cell population associated with the recipient’s primary transplant disease was detected regardless of the sensitivity of the flow cytometry panel performed; this means an abnormal cell population detected by MRD flow cytometry would be reported in the same way as an abnormal cell population detected by a standard flow cytometry assay. This question may be reported as Yes even when Not in complete remission – no disease detected but incomplete evaluation to establish CR is reported as the best response. |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report the assessment date for Q92: If the best response is Complete remission, report the date of testing performed nearest the date of best response within the time window and prior to relapse or progression, if applicable. If the best response is Not in complete remission, report the date of the most recent flow cytometry testing performed during the reporting period and prior to |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on when to report no and yes for Q91: Report No if flow cytometry If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report If the recipient’ best response is Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Instructions clarified on how to report yes for Q90: Report whether the recipient’s primary disease was detected by molecular testing on the date reported in question 89. This question may be reported as Yes even when Not in complete remission – no disease detected but incomplete evaluation to establish CR is reported as the best response. In order to be considered positive for disease, the assay must detect a number of copies of the molecular marker exceeding the threshold for sensitivity of the assay, for a quantitative study. However, do note that presence of only a single marker among numerous tested is sufficient to indicate disease detected. |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on how to report the assessment date for Q89: If the best response is Complete remission, report the date of testing performed nearest the date of best response within the time window and prior to relapse or progression, if applicable. If the best response is Not in complete remission, report the date of the most recent molecular testing performed during the reporting period and prior to |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Instructions clarified on when to report no and yes for Q88: Report No if molecular studies were If the recipient’s best response is Not in Complete Remission, report If the recipient’ best response is Complete Remission, report |
5/19/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Clarification added on when to select Disease detected for question 85: If disease persists by any radiological or clinical / hematological assessment indicate Disease detected. Persistence of abnormalities by molecular, cytogenetic, or flow cytometry assessments does not constitute “disease detected” and should not be reported as ‘disease detected’ for this question. |
5/18/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Add | Combined Follow-Up blue instruction box added to questions 6, 13, 17, 26, 70, 208, 224, 241, 310, and 325 for clarification on when these questions will come due. |
5/18/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | The Combined Follow Up blue instruction box were added to questions 14, 17, 50, 57, 84, 107, 112, 115, and 123 for clarification on when these questions will come due. |
5/18/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | DLBCL and Relapse with Follicular Lymphoma blue instruction box added for clarification to Q394: In some scenarios, a recipient may be diagnosed with DLBCL and then later, relapses with Follicular lymphoma prior to infusion. In these cases, it is important to determine the primary disease for infusion with the physician. If primary disease for infusion is Follicular lymphoma, report the pre-infusion disease status since the diagnosis of the Follicular lymphoma (not since the diagnosis of DLBCL). If the primary disease for infusion is DLBCL, report the pre-infusion disease status since the original diagnosis of DLBCL. |
5/18/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | DLBCL and Relapse with Follicular Lymphoma blue instruction box added for clarification to Q384: In some scenarios, a recipient may be diagnosed with DLBCL and then later, relapses with Follicular lymphoma prior to infusion. In these cases, it is important to determine the primary disease for infusion with the physician. If primary disease for infusion is Follicular lymphoma, report ‘no’ there was not a transformation. However, on the Pre-TED (2400) form, report there was a previous malignancy of lymphoma. If the primary disease for infusion is DLBCL, report ‘yes’ there was a transformation and the date of the original lymphoma diagnosis as the date when the recipient was diagnosed with DLBCL (i.e., question 1 and question 387 will be the same) as it is presumed Follicular lymphoma was present all along. |
5/18/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Add | DLBCL and Relapse with Follicular Lymphoma blue instruction box added to Q379 for clarification: In some scenarios, a recipient may be diagnosed with DLBCL and then later, relapses with Follicular lymphoma prior to infusion. In these cases, it is important to determine the primary disease for infusion with the physician. If the primary disease for infusion is Follicular lymphoma, report the diagnosis date as the date when the recipient was diagnosed with Follicular lymphoma (i.e., the relapse date) and report the lymphoma histology for infusion as ‘Follicular lymphoma.’ If the primary disease for infusion is DLBCL, report the diagnosis date as the date the recipient was diagnosed with DLBCL and report the lymphoma histology for infusion as ‘DLBCL.’ |
5/18/2022 | LYM Response Criteria | Add | Blue instruction box added for instructions on how to report the scenario where a recipient relapses with a less severe type of lymphoma post-infusion. |
5/18/2022 | LYM Response Criteria | Add | Blue instruction box added for clarification that Deauville scores not required to report a disease status for the metabolic criteria. |
5/18/22 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Add | The Consecutive Assessment Requirements blue instruction box added: The Hematologic Response requires two consecutive assessments made by the same method at any time before the institution of any new therapy. Organ responses (i.e., Hepatic, Peripheral Neuropathy, Cardiac) do not require confirmatory assessments. |
5/18/22 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Modify | The Partial Response criteria for Hematologic Response was updated to be consistent with the Working Group Response criteria:
5/18/22 | Amyloidosis Response Criteria | Modify | Cardiac response criteria update to be consistent with Working Group Response criteria. Cardiac response: |
5/18/2022 | POEMS Response Criteria | Remove | POEMS Partial Response Criteria update to be more concise as the first bullet point was the same criteria for VGPR:
5/13/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Clarified the instructions on how to report the units of measurement for LDH in question 426: Indicate the upper limit of normal for LDH value and the unit of measure as listed on the laboratory report |
5/10/2022 | 4006: Cellular Therapy Infusion | Modify | Removed Breyanzi from the blue note box below question 14: If the cellular therapy product infused is the commercially available product Kymriah® |
5/6/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Modify | Clarification added on when to report organ impairments in question 280: Indicate if any of the organ impairments or disorders listed were diagnosed during the reporting period. If the recipient developed an impairment during the reporting period, select the impairment / disorder, enter the date of diagnosis, and answer any additional questions pertaining to the impairment / disorder. If the diagnosis was determined at an outside center and no documentation of a clinical, pathological, or laboratory assessment is available, the dictated date of diagnosis within a physician note may be reported. *Do not report organ impairments or disorders diagnosed prior to the start of the preparative regimen infusion /or in a prior reporting period. |
5/6/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Modify | Updated instructions on when to report the antiviral start date as 7 days prior to prep in Q213 – 215: Report the first antiviral drug administered and closest to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion and started no later than day +45. This may include antiviral drugs started prior to the start of the preparative regimen as long as they were continued at the start of the preparative regimen. If the start date is prior to the start of the preparative regimen and the start date is unknown |
5/6/2022 | 2057: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Pre-Infusion | Modify | Clarified instructions on how to report the best response to therapy assessment date for question 206: |
5/6/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Modify | Clarified instructions on how to report spleen response in question 365: A spleen response can be documented by a physician |
5/6/2022 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Modify | Clarified instructions on how to report spleen response in question 3: A spleen response can be documented by a physician |
5/6/2022 | 2157: Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Post-HCT | Add | Clarification added above question 105 (blue note box and instructional text) to report the first assessment showing evidence of disease: Questions 105 – 202 are intended to capture the earliest instance of disease detection by each method of assessment performed during the reporting period. If multiple tests by a particular method have demonstrated evidence of disease during the reporting period, report the date / result of the earliest positive assessment(s) performed during the reporting period. For each method of assessment, report “Yes” if that method detected the recipient’s MPN (or markers of MPN) during the reporting period. If testing by a particular method (e.g., molecular makers, cytogenetic, flow cytometry, etc.) was done, but did not shown evidence of disease during the reporting period, report “No” for that method. If testing for splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, driver mutations, molecular or cytogenetic markers / abnormalities, or disease detected via bone marrow was not done during the reporting period or it is not known whether testing was performed, report “Unknown” for those methods. If testing by flow cytometry or for disease detected extramedullary or by other assessment was not done during the reporting period or it is not known whether testing was performed, report “No” for those methods. |
5/6/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Modify | Clarified instructions on how to report the best response for tandem transplants: Tandem Transplants: For recipients receiving a tandem transplant, the best response to the prior transplant (i.e., HCT #1 of the tandem) depends on the pre-transplant disease status.
April 2022
4/22/2019 | 2158: Thalassemia Post-Infusion | Add | Version 1 of the 2158: Thalassemia Post-Infusion section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2158. |
4/22/2019 | 2058: Thalassemia Pre-Infusion | Add | Version 1 of the 2058: Thalassemia Pre-Infusion section of the Forms Instructions Manual released. Version 1 corresponds to revision 1 of the Form 2058. |
4/11/22 | 4100 Post-CTED | Add | Clarification added on reporting COVID-19 infections for subsequent infusions & possible reporting scenarios: Do NOT report an infection in the following scenarios: A recipient only has a positive antibody result. The recipient was symptomatic and treated but COVID-19 diagnostic testing was not performed and / or COVID-19 diagnostic testing was performed and negative. DO report an infection in the following scenarios: A recipient has a positive COVID-19 diagnostic result (PCR or antigen) or if treatment was given or if the recipient was asymptomatic. A recipient has a positive antibody result and a positive COVID-19 diagnostic test (PCR or antigen) |
4/11/22 | 4000 Pre-CTED | Add | Clarification added on what to report if vaccine brand is Unknown: For the reported dose, specify the vaccine brand the recipient received. If the vaccine brand is not listed, select Other type and specify in question 115. If the vaccine brand is unknown, leave the field blank and override the error as Unknown. |
4/11/22 | 4000 Pre-CTED | Add | COVID-19 Vaccine blue box added above question 109: COVID-19 Vaccine If the recipient received a COVID-19 vaccine at any time prior to July 2021 (before the COVID-19 vaccine questions were available on the Cellular Therapy Essential Data Pre-Infusion (4000) form), select Yes for question 109 at the first opportunity this form becomes available. When reporting the vaccine date, report the actual date the recipient received the vaccine. |
4/11/22 | 4000 Pre-CTED | Add | Instruction added for documenting COVID-19 infections for subsequent infusion: Do NOT report an infection: • A recipient has a positive antibody result. They do not have a history of positive COVID diagnostic results (PCR or antigen). • The recipient was symptomatic and treated but COVID-19 diagnostic testing was not performed and/or COVID diagnostic testing was performed and negative. DO report an infection: • A recipient has a positive COVID diagnostic result (PCR or antigen). No treatment was given and/or recipient was asymptomatic. |
4/11/2022 | 4003: Cellular Therapy Product | Add | Instruction added for the preferred timepoint of viability when the product was cryopreserved: If the product was cryopreserved, viability post-thaw should be reported. |
4/11/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Add | COVID-19 Reinfection blue box added above Q204-208: Reporting COVID-19 Reinfection: There have been cases of recipients recovering from COVID-19 infection, only to later test positive again. For CIBMTR purposes, a new COVID-19 infection should be reported when a recipient tests positive again >21 days from resolution (resolution defined as no signs or symptoms of infection, or a negative diagnostic test). |
4/11/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Add | Clarification added in regard to revaccination post-infusion: Indicate if the recipient received a vaccine for COVID-19 (one dose without a planned second dose, first dose with planned second dose, second dose, third dose, and / or booster dose) within the current reporting period. If the recipient did not receive a vaccine for COVID-19 or it is not known if the recipient received a vaccine, select No or Unknown, respectively, and continue with question 214. Revaccination Post-Infusion: When vaccines are given post-infusion, the physician should make the determination on whether the doses are part of the primary series of vaccines, third primary dose, boosters, or revaccination. If a recipient receives a new course of COVID vaccines following infusion as revaccination, report the vaccines as a new series. The most up to date CDC COVID-19 vaccine information for immunocompromised people can be found here. |
4/11/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Updated blue box above Q210-211 how to report multiple vaccine doses: COVID-19 Vaccine Doses FormsNet3SM application: Complete questions 210 – 213 to report all COVID-19 vaccine doses received in the current reporting period by adding an additional instance in the FormsNet3SM application. A separate instance should be added for each dose. Paper form submission: Copy questions 210 – 213 and complete report all COVID-19 vaccine doses received in the current reporting period. A separate instance should be completed for each dose. |
4/11/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify/Add | Updated question instructions: For the reported dose, specify the vaccine brand the recipient received. If the vaccine brand is not listed, select Other type and specify. If the vaccine brand is unknown, leave the field blank and override the error as Unknown. Third dose versus Booster dose blue box added above question 210-211: Third dose versus Booster dose: To determine between a third dose and a booster dose, seek clinician clarification, as needed, using the guidelines listed below: Third dose: An additional primary dose required for recipients who did not build enough protection from their primary vaccine series, typically for immunocompromised individuals Booster dose: Administered to recipients who have enough protection after completing their primary vaccine series but then protection decreases over time Primary vaccine series: Two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna One dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen. |
4/11/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED | Modify | Updated question instructions: For the reported dose, specify the vaccine dose the recipient in the current reporting period and specify the date when the dose was received |
4/11/2022 | 4100 Post-CTED” | Add | Additional example (#5) added to clarify hypogammaglobulinemia reporting: Example 5. For an adult recipient, IgG levels were below 600 mg/dL pre-infusion and immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IVIG) was given pre-infusion. Post-infusion, all IgG values were greater than 600 mg/dL and never dropped below 600 mg/mL. This is not reported as a toxicity since the IgG levels were never below 600 mg/dL after infusion. |
4/11/2022 | Add | Instruction added for the preferred timepoint of viability when the product was cryopreserved: If the product was cryopreserved, viability post-thaw should be reported. | |
4/11/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Add | Instructions added to question 246 on how to report the vaccine brand when not known for clarification: Specify the type of COVID-19 vaccine the recipient received in the reporting period. If the recipient received a type that is not listed, select Other type and specify the vaccine. If the vaccine type is unknown, leave the field blank and override the error as Unknown. |
4/11/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Add | Reporting COVID-19 Reinfection blue box and possible COVID-19 reporting scenarios added above Q224 for clarification: Reporting COVID-19 Reinfection: There have been cases of recipients recovering from COVID-19 infection, only to later test positive again. For CIBMTR purposes, a new COVID-19 infection should be reported when a recipient tests positive again >21 days from resolution (resolution defined as no signs or symptoms of infection, or a negative diagnostic test).; Possible COVID-19 Reporting Scenarios: Do NOT report an infection in the following scenarios:
4/11/2022 | 4100: Post-CTED | Add | Additional example (#5) added to clarify hypogammaglobulinemia reporting |
4/8/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Clarification added on when to report a COVID-19 infection:Possible Reporting Scenarios: An infection should be reported if: A recipient has a positive antibody result. They do not have a history of positive COVID diagnostic results (PCR or antigen); The recipient was symptomatic and treated, but COVID-19 diagnostic testing was not performed and / or COVID diagnostic testing was performed and negative. An infection should not be reported if: A recipient has a positive COVID diagnostic result (PCR or antigen). No treatment was given and/or recipient was asymptomatic. |
4/8/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | COVID-19 Reinfection blue box added in Q50 – 51: Reporting COVID-19 Reinfection There have been cases of recipients recovering from COVID-19 infection, only to later test positive again. For CIBMTR purposes, a new COVID-19 infection should be reported when a recipient tests positive again >21 days from resolution (resolution defined as no signs or symptoms of infection, or a negative diagnostic test). |
4/8/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Clarification added in regard to revaccination post-infusion: Indicate if the recipient received a vaccine for COVID-19 (one dose without a planned second dose, first dose with planned second dose, second dose, third dose, and / or booster dose) within the current reporting period. If the recipient did not receive a vaccine for COVID-19 or it is not known if the recipient received a vaccine, select No or Unknown, respectively, and continue with question 57. Revaccination Post-Infusion: When vaccines are given post-infusion, the physician should make the determination on whether the doses are part of the primary series of vaccines, third primary dose, boosters, or revaccination. If a recipient receives a new course of COVID vaccines following infusion as revaccination, report the vaccines as a new series. The most up to date CDC COVID-19 vaccine information for immunocompromised people can be found here. |
4/8/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Clarification added on what to report if vaccine brand is Unknown: For the reported dose, specify the vaccine brand the recipient received. If the vaccine brand is not listed, select Other type and specify in question 92. If the vaccine brand is unknown, leave the field blank and override the error as Unknown. |
4/8/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarification added on what to report if vaccine brand is Unknown: For the reported dose, specify the vaccine brand the recipient received. If the vaccine brand is not listed, select Other type and specify in question 92. If the vaccine brand is unknown, leave the field blank and override the error as Unknown. |
4/8/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Reporting a COVID-19 Vaccine for Subsequent Infusions: Indicate if the recipient received a vaccine for COVID-19 (one dose without a planned second dose, first dose with planned second dose, second dose, third dose, and / or booster dose) at any time prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion. If the recipient did not receive a vaccine for COVID-19 or it is not known if the recipient received a vaccine, select No or Unknown, respectively, and continue with question 95. If this is a subsequent infusion and all vaccine doses have already been reported on previous forms, select No and continue with question 95. If this is a subsequent infusion and some, but not all vaccine doses have already been reported on previous forms select Yes and only report the vaccine doses not previously reported. |
4/8/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarification added on reporting COVID-19 infections for subsequent infusions & possible reporting scenarios: If this is a subsequent infusion and the documented COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infection was already reported on previous forms, report No and continue with question 90: Possible Reporting Scenarios: An infection should be reported if: A recipient has a positive antibody result. They do not have a history of positive COVID diagnostic results (PCR or antigen); The recipient was symptomatic and treated, but COVID-19 diagnostic testing was not performed and / or COVID diagnostic testing was performed and negative. An infection should not be reported if: A recipient has a positive COVID diagnostic result (PCR or antigen). No treatment was given and/or recipient was asymptomatic. |
4/7/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Third dose versus Booster dose blue box added above question 55 – 56 for clarification: Third dose versus Booster dose: To determine between a third dose and a booster dose, seek clinician clarification, as needed, using the guidelines listed below: Third dose: An additional primary dose required for recipients who did not build enough protection from their primary vaccine series, typically for immunocompromised individuals Booster dose: Administered to recipients who have enough protection after completing their primary vaccine series but then protection decreases over time Primary vaccine series: Two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna; One dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen. |
4/7/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | Third dose versus Booster dose blue box added above question 55 – 56 for clarification: Third dose versus Booster dose: To determine between a third dose and a booster dose, seek clinician clarification, as needed, using the guidelines listed below: Third dose: An additional primary dose required for recipients who did not build enough protection from their primary vaccine series, typically for immunocompromised individuals Booster dose: Administered to recipients who have enough protection after completing their primary vaccine series but then protection decreases over time Primary vaccine series: Two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna; One dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen. |
March 2022
3/27/2022 | AML Response Criteria | Modify | Further information added to CR to clarify CR may still be reported even if the recipient is MRD positive or the MRD status is unknown: Include recipients who are MRD positive or where the MRD status is unknown. MRD assessments includes |
3/27/2022 | ALL Response Criteria | Modify | Further information added to CR to clarify CR may still be reported even if the recipient is MRD positive or the MRD status is unknown: Include recipients who are MRD positive or where the MRD status is unknown. MRD assessments includes |
3/27/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Remove | Updated the blue box above question 131 to explain when the acute GVHD section is required to be completed:Autologous Transplants: If this was an autologous infusion |
3/27/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Remove | Updated the blue box above question 81 to explain when the acute GVHD section is required to be completed: Autologous Transplants: If this was an autologous infusion |
3/27/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Remove | Updated red box above question 145 for when GVHD prophylaxis questions are required to be answered: The following GVHD prophylaxis questions are to be completed for allogeneic HCTs only. Autologous |
3/27/2022 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Add | Update prior malignancy criteria to be consistent with Pre-TED (2400) form: Any solid tumor(s), |
3/27/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Clarified skin malignancy should be reported as a prior malignancy in question 101: Prior Malignancy, specify: Any solid tumor(s), |
3/24/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | COVID-19 Vaccine blue box added above question 90: COVID-19 Vaccine: If the recipient received a COVID-19 vaccine at any time prior to October 2021 (before the COVID-19 vaccine questions were available on the Pre-TED (2400) form), select Yes for question 90 at the first opportunity this form becomes available. When reporting the vaccine date, report the actual date the recipient received the vaccine. |
3/24/2022 | 2450: Post-TED | Add | COVID-19 Vaccine blue box added above question 52: COVID-19 Vaccine: If the recipient received a COVID-19 vaccine at any time (including pre- or post-infusion) prior to October 2021 (before the COVID-19 vaccine questions were available on the Post-TED (2450) form), select Yes for question 52 at the first opportunity this form becomes available. When reporting the vaccine date, report the actual date the recipient received the vaccine, even if the date is outside of the reporting window or prior to infusion, override the error as Verified Correct and specify in the comments “Per CIBMTR instructions, report actual vaccine date and verify data field as correct.” |
February 2022
2/28/2022 | 2400: Pre-TED | Add | Instruction added to question 22 on what to report for subject ID for recipients enrolled in the CMS studies: Enter the recipient’s USIDNET, COG, or other sponsor Subject ID. If the recipient is participating in a BMT-CTN study and the EMMES ID is known, enter it here. If the recipient is participating in an RCI-BMT study, enter the Subject ID given at the time of successful enrollment. Recipients enrolled in CIBMTR’s CMS studies should leave the subject ID blank. |
2/28/2022 | 2402: Disease Classification | Remove | Removed HTB from question 257 as this no longer an option on the form with the Fall 2020 release: If the recipient’s pre-transplant disease status included hematologic improvement – erythroid, indicate the transfusion dependence at the time of determining disease status at last evaluation prior to start of the preparative regimen / infusion. Select “Non-transfused (NTD)” if the recipient was without RBC transfusions as supportive care for the disease within a period of 16 weeks prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion and continue with question 259. Select “Low-transfusion burden (LTB)” if the recipient had 3-7 RBC transfusions within a period of 16 weeks in at least 2 transfusion episodes with a maximum of 3 RBC transfusions in 8 weeks prior to the start of the preparative regimen / infusion and continue with question 259. |
2/28/2022 | 2900: Recipient Death | Modify | Instructions for when ‘autopsy pending’ is reported were updated due to changes made during the Spring 2021 release: If Autopsy pending, |
2/28/2022 | 2013: CLL Pre-Infusion | Modify | Instructions updated for question 52 to clarify timepoint: Flow cytometry (immunophenotyping) is a technique that can be performed on blood, bone marrow, or tissue preparations where cell surface markers can be detected on cellular material. If flow cytometry (immunophenotyping) was performed at the time of diagnosis or prior to the start of therapy, report “yes” and continue with question 53. If not, report “no” and skip questions 53-60. |
2/28/2022 | 2013: CLL Pre-Infusion | Modify | Instructions for question 40 updated to clarify timepoint: Indicate the leukemic cell type as either B-cell or T-cell. Cell type can be determined using immunophenotyping techniques such as flow cytometry and |
2/1/2022 | 2118: LYM Post-Infusion Data | Modify | Updated instructions to explain how to report the best response for combined follow-up scenarios; Combined follow up In scenarios where both HCT and cellular therapy forms are being completed, the best response to the current infusion (transplant or cellular therapy) should be reported. Do not report a response to a prior infusion. |
2/1/2022 | 2100:Post-Infusion Follow-Up Form | Modify | Updated the red box above question 311 to explain when questions 311 – 315 will come due: Questions 311 – 315 |
January 2022
1/18/2022 | Appendix J: Reporting Comorbidities | Update | Updated arrhythmia criteria to be consistent with the Pre-TED (2400) instructions: • Atrial flutter • Sick sinus syndrome • Ventricular arrhythmias |
1/5/2022 | ALL Response Criteria | Modify | Transfusion independent criteria updated for CRi: Transfusion independent (a minimum of eight weeks without platelet or red blood cell transfusion) (Please note, if the physician documents transfusion dependence related to treatment and not to the patient’s underlying AML, CR-i- should be reported |
1/5/2022 | AML Response Criteria | Modify | Transfusion independent criteria updated for CRi: Transfusion independent (a minimum of eight weeks without platelet or red blood cell transfusion) (Please note, if the physician documents transfusion dependence related to treatment and not to the patient’s underlying AML, CR-i- should be reported |
Last modified:
Jan 05, 2023
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