Once you login to your Reel-Scout™ version 10 account, the system will automatically locate you on the Browse Locations page. Locations that are in a To Be Reviewed status are those that have their titles highlighted in yellow. These locations have been submitted to the RS10 system, but are still awaiting film office approval.
There are two ways to approve locations: Individually or collectively.
1. Individually
To approve individually, click on the Edit (pencil) icon of the location highlighted in yellow.
Clicking the pencil icon opens the Edit Location page. Click on the To Be Reviewed drop-down box on the right and select the Public/Approved option.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
On the Location Details page, notice that the title is no longer highlighted in yellow. An unhighlighted name indicates that the location is approved.
2. Collectively
To approve several “To Be Reviewed” locations collectively, first select those locations by clicking the checkboxes to their left.
Once you have selected the locations to be approved collectively, scroll up to the top of the Browse Locations page and click on Filter Results By.
Click on the Select Action drop-down menu. Choose Approve (Show Public).
Once you have clicked Approve (Show Public), a Go box will appear to the right. Click the Go box to approve these selected locations.
You will be returned to the Browse Locations screen. Notice that the names of the locations that you approved are no longer highlighted in yellow.
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