Receive notification chat messages in Teams channels

To enable Teams chat add the app Microsoft Incoming-Webhook to each channel

The Microsoft Incoming-Webhook app creates a URL for the associated channel that enables SMART Migration to post chat messages in the format of Microsoft Adaptive Cards
Paste the generated URL into the column ‘Incoming-Webhook URL’ on the Adaptive Cards tab. This URL will be used for testing using the button Send as test message and can be referenced in your Steps notification (Teams Incoming-Webhook) via the Variable [<ChatURL>]

When using SMART Migration from Teams:
You must paste the generated URL into the SharePoint connection Chat URL and
for the Job approval and monitoring channel into the CC chat URL

Step 1 Copy the JSON from SMART Migration

Step 2 Paste the JSON into Microsoft Adaptive Cards designer

Step 3 Edit the layout and copy/paste back into SMART Migration

Last modified: 13 December 2023