Change log for latest GA version

Version 5. xx_. March ??, 2024
File Management New options for alternative modified detection
PowerShell SharePoint Online: Support for Connect-PnPOnline using Entra App
Date ETL File Share Discovery: Support for unlimited File Share size.
Date ETL File Share Discovery: performance enhancement when scanning FileShares >10.000 files. The destination is populated in parallel. So while the scanning takes place chunks of 10.000 file names are applied to the destination in parallel.

db-admin create/delæete databases i local sqlserver

FileManagement Shortren
FileManagement metadata indstillong foldre


new filter button in column selection for sp db
Approval-status and approcal comenrts are now migrated as is (if mapped). Previously all files would get the status Approved.

log : Filter+ Fing in message toolbar and in r-click menu.

button to filter selected columns
skip in db

ETL module



color i log

folders i log and in report_migratedfikles (item_type)

function: getjobsesionstatus
function canceljob,getjobsessionresult

search in coluns dropdown when specifying af SharePoint/Database fillter or a column Variable assigment in For-Each
chat notification
fejltyper i filemigrationlog
REPORT used values fron valuelists
i fejl fejl sår eror nu øverste.

2 varriable til invalid url
evne til at checke på sessionresult kombineret med de 2 variable til invaliud url
job afsluytter med error i stedet for warning når der har været en error.

FileManagement date, key
GetSharePointLibraryURL() The root of the Library from a URL that can contain folders
SharePointPlatform() Return the current SharePoint platform

“Override-SkipFileUploadOnWarning” overskriver ‘site_parent_security’ ( co.SysParmOverrideFT_SkipOnWarning)
b. “Override-SPApi” Overskriver hvilket SP API der anvendes. (co.SysParmOverrideFT_API )
værdier: CSOM,AzureAsync,AzureSync


new column “Return value” in variables that show the calculated vale te Variable will return



New sliding info-bar for Do-Not-Show-Again messages.
Enhanced log format for SP metadata assignments so the SP internal name is visible in the log. (useful in the coming validation stuff)

larger columns in fe assignemnts

set ciontentype i ft (folder)
creatwe folders i dt i doclib
corruptes info

GoupBy support for ;#Default: og NotFound:
ft update folder metadata

GroupBy support for Overridemetadata

Last modified: 20 March 2024