• One-size-fits-all approach
  • Rigidity
  • Inflexibility
  • Denial of the problem
  • Lack of communication with key parties
  • Lack of collaboration
  • Ignoring respect
  • Lack of clear written policy
  • Lack of careful evaluation of job applicants
  • No documentation
  • Lack of awareness of cultural/diversity issues
  • Passing around “bad apples”
  • Lack of an organization-wide commitment to safety

As the attention to the issue has grown, occupational safety specialists and other analysts have broadly agreed that responding to workplace violence requires attention to more than just an actual physical attack. Homicide and other physical assaults are on a continuum that also includes domestic violence, stalking, threats, harassment, bullying, emotional abuse, intimidation, and other forms of conduct that create anxiety, fear, and a climate of distrust in the workplace.


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Henry Clemmens wrote: Feb 2, 2023

I like the bullet point about not passing around bad apples, doing this fails to address the problem with the individual and exacerbates the root issue.

Anthony E Campbell wrote: Apr 2, 2019

Great points about "lack of careful evaluation of job applicants" and "passing around bad apples." I see both of these regularly at my agency. Although we are spreading the message, slowly, about "bad apples", we will have to evaluate how to work better with our supervisors and Human Resources to not continue passing around personnel creating a problematic work environment and to deal with the issue instead.