*The following template is a very generic layout for a preservation request under 18 USC § 2703. Required disclosure of customer communications or records (f). *

Pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 2703(f), this letter is a formal request for the preservation of all stored communications, records, and other evidence currently in your possession regarding the following [account type (e.g., email account(s), phone number(s), IP address(es))] pending further legal process: [account identifier(s) (e.g., name@email.com, (999) 999-9999, IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx at date/time)] (“the Account(s)”).

I request that you not disclose the existence of this request to the subscriber or any other person other than as necessary to comply with this request. If compliance with this request might result in permanent or temporary termination of service to the Account(s) or otherwise, alert any user of the Account(s) regarding your actions to preserve the information described below; please get in touch with me as soon as possible before taking action.

For a period of 90 days, I request that you preserve the information described below currently in your possession in a form that includes the complete record. This request applies only retrospectively. It does not in any way obligate you to capture and preserve new information that arises after the date of this request. Furthermore, this request does not obligate you to produce any information at this time. This request applies to the following items, whether in electronic or another form, including information stored on backup media, if available:

1. The contents of any communication or file stored by or for the Account(s) and any associated accounts, and any information associated with those communications or files, such as the source and destination email addresses or IP addresses.

2. All records and other information relating to the Account(s) and any associated accounts, including the following:

a. Names (including subscriber names, user names, and screen names); b. Addresses (including mailing addresses, residential addresses, business addresses, and e-mail addresses); c. Local and long-distance telephone connection records; d. Records of session times and durations; e. Length of service (including start date) and types of service utilized; f. Telephone or instrument numbers (including MAC addresses); g. Other subscriber numbers or identities (including temporarily assigned network addresses, registration Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, and records showing IP addresses used to access the Account(s)); and h. Means and payment source for such service (including any credit card or bank account number) and billing records.

If you have questions regarding this request, please call me at [Phone No.].





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