Bitcoin was developed to replace a trust-based financial network with proof of a work-based financial system built on the blockchain. Bitcoin, or cryptocurrency, in general, offered pseudo-anonymity and removal of a third-party authority. Transactions in cryptocurrency are peer to peer with no regulation or oversight. The idea of pseudo-anonymity attracts those who wish to be anonymous for nefarious purposes.
Criminals operate outside of open view; the same is right in the digital world. Cyber-criminals wish to operate in anonymity, and the Dark Web offers that environment.
The Dark Web is home to many sites that offer goods and services in exchange for bitcoin. These goods and services include:
- Fraudulent documents
- Fake currency
- Stolen credit card numbers
- PayPal account information for accounts that balances
- Narcotics
- Weapons, and more
In addition to the above items, look to the Dark Web if you want to seek out a contract killer for assassination or a hacker to gain access to a computer or network.
All of the above goods and services can be purchased using bitcoin without exposing prying eyes or electronic surveillance.
The Dark Web requires special software to access it, and it was also designed to increase privacy. So, there is limited access by design and increased measures to protect privacy: exactly the environment a criminal element would thrive.
There is a market hidden, using a pseudo-anonymous currency: an ideal situation for illegal actors and activities.
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