A few mobile forensics tools deal exclusively with UICCs. These tools directly read UICC’s contents via a Personal Computer/Smart Card (PC/SC) reader instead of an indirect read via the mobile device. The richness and scope of data acquired vary with the capabilities and features of the tool. The majority of UICC exclusive tools acquire the following data: International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), Integrated Circuit Card ID (ICCID), Abbreviated Dialing Numbers (ADN), Last Numbers Dialed (LND), SMS messages, and Location Information (LOCI).
Most tools provide additional information such as deleted SMS messages, properly rendered foreign language SMS, and EMS messages. They also attempt to translate certain data such as country and network operator codes into meaningful names and provide other facilities such as PIN administration.
CSIM partitions on UICCs are being used with increasing frequency for LTE-enabled mobile devices. Currently, few tools support the extraction of CSIM partition data as most only support the extraction of GSM and USIM partitions. CSIM data may prove to be of increasing forensic importance as this technology evolves.
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