If you ever had disappointing results from a Google search, spare some time to read about the ‘advanced Google search techniques’ right now. These advanced techniques can significantly improve the chances of finding what you want on the web.
The search techniques provided below, are sure to enhance your Google search experience:
- To search for variations of a keyword, just use ~ in front of your keyword. Here is an example: ~Jason Jones
- To exclude a search term from the results, just put a – in front of that particular search term. If you are searching for “best smartphones” and don’t need any results about “android”, then your search query is: Best smartphones –android
- To find the sites that have a link pointing to your website, use link: in front of your site link. For example link:technobulb.com
- To avoid synonyms appearing in your search results, use double quotes around the search term. Using double quotes around your search term will restrict the search engine to give results containing that particular term alone. example: “Nokia smartphone”
- By using OR between two search terms, you can search for results that may include either one of those words.
- Note that the OR has to be in capital letters. For example Jason Jones OR Jason P Jones
- To find a website that has similar content to your site, use related: in front of your site URL. For example related:twitter.com
- To find a specific file in the desired file format, use filetype: followed by your file format after your keyword. For example Sherlock Holmes filetype: pdf You can search for other formats as well.
- To get search results in which your keyword appears in the content of a web page, use allintext: in front of your keyword. Google will ignore pages that don’t contain your keyword in the body section. For example allintext:Nokia pureview
- To get results in which your keyword appears in the title of a webpage, use allintitle: before your keyword. example: allintitle:shoplifting
- To search for pages with your keywords in the URL, put Inurl: before your search term. example: inurl:nutrition
- If a website is temporarily down, you can still visit its cached version by Google. Type cache: followed by the website URL in the search box. For example cache:facebook.com/joshuajones
- To search the stock rate of any company, type stocks: followed by the company name. For example stocks:Nokia
- You can find the information about any site using info: followed by the URL. example: info:yahoo.com
- To get the definition of any word, put define: just before your word. For example: define:supernatural
- To find all the google indexed pages of a particular website, type site: followed by the site URL. example: site:facebook.com
- If you want to exclude a website from search results, use -site: followed by the site URL after your keyword. example: tom jones -site:facebook.com
- To find results for your search term from a specific website, use site: followed by the site URL after your keyword. For example Joshua Jones site:facebook.com
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