We have a right to it, but websites are not allowing it via Terms of Service (TOS). You can be anonymous online, but how can you be anonymous online when they are asking for real information?

  • If you go into Facebook and set up a profile, their TOS say that is you. You have to have a valid email address, but how do you know that they are using any random email address and name?
  • It is not illegal for internet users to impersonate or create a false identity online.
  • The popularity of a site comes with the vulnerability of attack.
  • We are seeing an increase in SPOOFING – i.e. reset password emails giving someone else ownership of your account.
  • Be advised that accounts under a person’s name can be a result of spoofing and not necessarily created by a user.
  • In the context of network security, a spoofing attack is a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining an illegitimate advantage.


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