If you are coming up on your 1-year Anniversary of your CSF Certification and have a MyCSF Subscription, please note that your Interim Assessment will auto-generate 90 days prior to the Anniversary of the Certification Date of your Original Assessment. If you wish to start on the Interim prior to its auto-generation, you can do so by following the instructions below. Please know, the Interim can only be created if the CSF Certification is no more than 120 days away.

  1. From the Homepage, click on the Certified Assessment that you wish to create a subsequent Interim Assessment. Note- It cannot be generated more than 120 days prior to the Anniversary of the Certification.
  2. From the Assessment Questionnaire page, you may generate the Interim Assessment from the ‘Questionnaire Overview’ section or going to the Name & Security page. From the Name & Security, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the ‘Actions’ drop-down and click ‘Create Interim Assessment based on this assessment…’
  3. On the Homepage, you will see that the Interim Assessment has been generated with the status of ‘Undergoing Interim’. For guidance on how to perform an Interim Assessment, go to Section- 10.1 Performing an Interim Review Assessment