If this is your first-time logging into the HITRUST Portal, follow the steps below to locate and change the temporary password associated with your MyCSF Account.

  1. Locate the email with the subject line: “HITRUST Login Registration – Account Lead Created” from sender: no-reply2@mail.mycsf.net. Found near the bottom of the email’s body, is a string beginning with “Your temporary password for the HITRUST Portal is:” The series of characters that succeeds this string will serve as your temporary password.
  2. Using an Internet Browser, go to the web address https://portal.mycsf.net. A page will load that requires you to enter your Email Address and Temporary Password. Once entered, click the ‘Login’ button
  3. If the right credentials were entered, you will be prompted to change your password. Enter your desired password twice and click the ‘Change Password’ button. Please note that the password will have to meet the policy outlined below.
  4. You will be emailed a One-Time Passcode (OTP). Enter the 6-digit code you receive and click the ‘Verify Code’ button.

HITRUST Welcome Email

Login to HITRUST Portal

Change Password

Verify Two-Factor Authentication