Here you will find a number of commonly used template codes from several entities (contacts, projects, employees, etc.). Not all template codes are listed here. The tool tips which appear when moving the cursor above each label will list certain desired template codes. Also refer to field links.

The first two overviews will list template codes that are related to your correspondence item (Email or Letter/ Fax).
5.1. Template codes for Email

$ The Email’s subject which you have specified.

$ Displays the contents of the ‘To’ field.

$ Displays the contents of the ‘Cc’ field.

$ Displays the contents of the ‘Bcc’ field.

In the contact (Rolodex) card you can set certain data to appear in correspondence by default. Insert the desired template code in the concerning template field.
When composing an Email, Letter or Fax, link the contact person (individual or private) to the addressee

When composing a new Email, Letter or Fax, the contact (private or personal) should be linked to the addressee of the correspondence.The template codes of the template will then be replaced by the ones of the concerning contact.

5.2. Contact’s template codes for Email
[Belangrijk] Important

The template codes should be used in combination with predefined ‘$data.letter.’ or ‘$’.
For instance: ‘$data.letter.relation.initials’ or ‘$’.

$ The contact’s initials.

$ The contact’s first name.

$ The contact’s name insertion.

$ The contact’s surname.

$ The contact’s complete name (birthname).

$ All first names/ nicknames of the contact.

$ The contact’s title (prefix), for example Mr.

$ The contact’s title (suffix), for example PhD.

$ The contact’s specified sex.

$ The contact’s date of birth.

$ The contact’s place of birth.

$ The contact’s street name and address type.

$ The contact’s private street number.

$ The contact’s private street number suffix, for example Bond Street 1-A.

$ The contact’s private postcode.

$ The contact’s private home town.

$ The contact’s private phone number.

$ The contact’s private cell phone number.

$ The contact’s office phone number.

$ The contact’s Email address.

$ The contact’s fax number.

$ The contact’s job description.

$ The contact’s website address/ URL.

$ The contact’s contact-code.
5.3. Template codes of projects for Email

Entered data can be set to automatically appear in your correspondence. Insert the desired template code in the proper template field. When composing an Email, Letter or Fax, link the project to which you wish the correspondence to be linked. When composing the Email, (or other form of correspondence) the template code will be replaced by data from the project.

$ The project’s description

$ The project code.

$ The project status.

$ The date on which the project was entered into the system.

$ The most recent date on which the project was updated, including hours and minutes.

$ Start date of project.

$ Completion date of project.

$ Maximum hours to be spent on project.

$ Estmiated hours for the project.

$ Account manager of the project.

$ Responsible employee of project.

5.4. Template codes of matters for an Email

The information which has been entered in the matter page and linked contacts can be set to automatically appear in your correspondence. Place the desired template code in the proper template field. When composing an Email, Letter or Fax, link the desired matter. The template codes will be replaced with the matter’s data when composing correspondence.

$ Matter description.

$ Matter code.

$ Responsible solicitor.

$ Lawyer on case.

$ Date on which the matter was entered.

Cliënt data:

$ Company name.

$ Client name.

$ Address.

$ Postcode.

$ Phone number.

$ Cell phone number.

$ Fax number.

$ Email address.

Counter party data:

$ Name.

$ Address.

$ PostCode.

$ Town.

Data of counter party’s solicitor:

$ Reference counter party.

$ Office name.

$ solicitor.

$ Address.

$ PostCode.

$ Place.

$ Phone number.

$ Fax number.

$ Cell phone number.

$ Email address.

5.5. Template codes of employees in regards to Email

$ Employee’s initials.

$ Employee’s first name.

$ Suffix of employee’s surname.

$ Employee’s surname.

$ Employee’s birth name (complete full name).

$ Employee’s complete first name(s).

$ Employee’s title.

$ Employee’s suffix title (PhD/BA/MA, etc.).

$ Employee’s specified sex.

$ Employee’s date of birth.

$ Employee’s place of birth.

$ Employee’s private street name.

$ Employee’s private street number.

$ Employee’s private street number addition.

$ Employee’s private postcode.

$ Employee’s (private) home town.

$ Employee’s private phone number.

$ Employee’s private cell phone number.

$ Employee’s office phone number.

$ Employee’s Email address.

$ Employee’s fax number.

$ Employee’s job description.

$ Employee’s web address/ URL.

$ Employee’s contact code.

5.6. Template codes for letter/ fax

$data.letter.lesubject The Email subject which you have specified.

$data.letter.leref The reference number of the correspondence item. This number is automatically generated when creating new correspondence items and linked.

$data.letter.letterno The correspondence number of this correspondence piece.this number is automatically generated when creating the new correspondence item and linked.

$util.proper($data.letter.employee.ocity) The company’s town, from the employee’s address data (logged in user in BaseNet’s Online CRM) who created the correspondence item.

$data.letter.ledate.format.longdate The creation date of the correspondence item with the month fully spelled out. This date is automatically added when the new correspondence item is created and linked.

$data.letter.leauteur The initials, with first letter of employee’s surname (logged in user in BaseNet’s Online CRM) who created the correspondence item.

The initials with the first letter of the surname of the employee (logged in BaseNet user) who composes the correspondence item.

5.7. Template codes for contacts in regards to Letter/ Fax

Data which has been entered in the contact card (Rolodex card) can be set to automatically appear in your correspondence. Place the desired template code in the desired template field.
Link the contact to whom you are addressing the Email, Letter or Fax. The template codes in the template will be replaced with the correspondence contact when composing.

$data.letter.relation.initials Contact’s initials.

$data.letter.relation.firstname Contact’s first name/ nickname.

$data.letter.relation.middlename Contact’s surname insertion/ prefix.

$data.letter.relation.lastname Contact’s surname.

$data.letter.relation.fullname Contact’s complete name, spelled out.

$data.letter.relation.christianname Contact’s first names (all).

$data.letter.relation.title Contact’s prefix title (Mr./Ms.).

$data.letter.relation.surtitle Contact’s suffix title (BA/MA/PhD).

$ Contact’s specified sex.

$ Contact’s date of birth.

$data.letter.relation.borncity Contact’s place of birth.

$data.letter.relation.hstreet Contact’s private street name.

$data.letter.relation.hhouseno Contaact’s private street number.

$data.letter.relation.hhousenoext Contact’s private street number’s suffix (i.e. 45-A).

$data.letter.relation.hzipcode Contact’s private postcode.

$data.letter.relation.hcity Contact’s private home town.

$data.letter.relation.tel2 Contact’s private phone number.

$ Contact’s private cell phone number.

$data.letter.relation.tel1 Contact’s office phone number.

$ Contact’s Email address.

$data.letter.relation.fax Contact’s fax number.

$data.letter.relation.functdescr Contact’s job description.

$data.letter.relation.homepage Contact’s office address.

$data.letter.relation.rcode Contact’s contact code.
5.8. Template codes of contact in regards to letter/ fax Template codes of project for letter/ fax

Data which has been entered into a project can be set to reappear in your correspondence. Place the desired template code in the intended template field. When composing an Email, letter or fax, link the project which you wish to link to the correspondence. The template codes in the template will be replaced with the data from the project when composing.

$data.letter.project.pshdescr Project’s description.

$data.letter.project.pcode Project code.

$data.letter.project.pstatus Project status.

$ Date on which the project has been entered into the system.

$data.letter.project.plastupd Most recent date on which the project was updated, including hours and minutes.

$ Date on which the project was edited last.

$ Project’s initiation date.

$ Project’s completion date.

$data.letter.project.pmaxhours Maximum hours spent on project.

$data.letter.project.phours Estimated amount of hours for project.

$data.letter.project.employee.fullname Project’s account manager.

$data.letter.project.interneMedewerker.fullname Employee responsible for project.

5.9. Template code for matter in regards to letter/ fax

The data entered into the matter can be set to reappear in correspondence with linked contacts. Insert the desired template code in the concerning template field. When composing an Email, letter or fax, link the desired matter. The template code in the template will be replaced with the matter’s contents when composing a correspondence item.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.pshdescr Matter description.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.docode Matter code.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.responsibleAccountmanager Solicitor responsible.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.accountmanager Solicitor on case.

$ Date on which matter was entered.

Client data:

$ Company name.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.relation.relationName Client name.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.relation.address.addressLine Address.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.relation.address.zipCode Postcode.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.relation.tel1 Phone number.

$ Cell phone number.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.relation.fax Fax number.

$ Email address.

Data appertaining to counter party:

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartij.relationName Name.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartij.address.addressLine Address.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartij.address.zipCode Postcode.

$ Place.

Data appertaining to solicitor of counter party:

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.dorefweder Counter party reference.

$ Office name.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartijAdvocaat.relationName Solicitor.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartijAdvocaat.address.addressLine Address.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartijAdvocaat.address.zipCode Postcode.

$ Place.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartijAdvocaat.tel1 Phone number.

$data.letter.project.linkedEntity.wederpartijAdvocaat.fax Fax number.

$ Cell phone number.

$ Email address.
5.10. Templatecodes van medewerkers voor een brief / fax

$data.letter.employee.initials Employee’s initials.

$data.letter.employee.firstname Employee’s first name.

$data.letter.employee.middlename Employee’s surname insertion/ surname’s prefix.

$data.letter.employee.lastname Employee’s surname.

$data.letter.employee.fullname Employee’s complete name (spelled out).

$data.letter.employee.christianname Complete first name(s) of employee.

$data.letter.employee.title Employee’s prefix title (i.e. Mr./Ms./Dr.).

$data.letter.employee.surtitle Employee’s suffix title (i.e. BA/MA/PhD).

$ Employee’s assigned sex.

$ Employee’s date of birth.

$data.letter.employee.rbirthcity Employee’s place of birth.

$data.letter.employee.hstreet Employee’s private street name.

$data.letter.employee.hhouseno Employee’s private street number.

$data.letter.employee.hhousenoext Employee’s private street number usffix (i.e. 45-A).

$data.letter.employee.hzipcode Employee’s private postcode.

$data.letter.employee.hcity Employee’s home town.

$data.letter.employee.tel2 Employee’s private phone number.

$ Employee’s cell phone number.

$data.letter.employee.tel1 Employee’s office phone number.

$ Employee’s Email address.

$data.letter.employee.fax Employee’s fax number.

$data.letter.employee.functdescr Employee’s job description.

$data.letter.employee.homepage Employee’s web address/ URL.

$data.letter.employee.rcode Employee’s contact code.

5.11. Template codes for date in regards to Email/ Letter/ Fax

Date will be shown behind template code based on following format: 01-01-2012 at 09:00.

$ 01-01-2012.

$ January 1st 2012.

$ Sunday, 1 January 2012 09:00.

$ one january two thousand and twelve.

5.12. Template codes for company data

You can set for company data to automatically reappear in your correspondence. Place the desired template code in the assigned template field. The template codes in the template will turn into company related data when composing correspondence items.

[Belangrijk] Important

Template codes should be used without applying a predefined field.
Bijvoorbeeld: ‘$data.companyInfo.mijnbedrijf.compname’.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compname Company name.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compstreet Street name of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compstreet2 2nd address name of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comphousenr Street number of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comphousenrext Street number suffix of physical address (i.e. 45-A).

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compzipcode Postcode of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compplaats City/ town of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compprovincie Province/ Region of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compcountry Country of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comppoststreet Street name or P.O. Box of physical address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compposthousenr Street number of postal address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compposthousenrext Street number suffix of postal address (i.e. 45-A)..

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comppoststreet2 2nd address line of postal address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comppostbzipcode Postcode of postal address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comppostbcity City/ Town name of postal address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comppostprovincie Province/ Region of postal address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comppostcountry Country of postal address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.comptel Company phone number.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compfax Company fax number.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compemail Company Email address.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compurl Company web address/ URL.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compbank Company bank account number.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compbankname Company bank name.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compbankcity Company bank city/ town.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compkvknummer Company’s Chamber of Commerce ID number.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compkvkcity City/ Town of Chamber of Commerce registration.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compbtwnummer Company Tax ID.

$data.companyInfo.mijnBedrijf.compinfo Open field for adding slogan.