Areas of Law: This menu allows for the areas of law to be specified, which can subsequently be selected in a matter.

Know-how Areas of Law: Here Areas of Law can be managed for the Know-how component.

Role Administration: Here a Role Administration can be set. These steps can be applied from within the Role Administration component. In the Role Administration chapter more information can be accessed in regards to the Role Administration. To create an action follow these steps:

  1. Click on New to define a new action.
  2. Use the description field to enter a description. These serve as a reference to retreive the types of action or when linking them.
  3. Use “Type of Action” to specify which action/ mechanism should take place when applying that action.

Responsible employees for Know-how publication Here credentials can be designated for the BaseNet Know-how component.

  • Enter the type in the “Task” tab, which should be started and when the task should be completed.
  • From the ‘Calendar’ tab you can specify the duration of newly made events, the calendar type and the calendar availability status.
  • Click on ‘Save/ Close’ for the changes to take effect.

ID number Archive number: The ID numbering of archived matters can be edited here.

ID number Matter number Legal: The ID number of matters can be changed here.

Standard WIP percentage: Here you can set the default WIP (Word in Progress) percentage.