Hour Search Screen

In the Various Hours screen you will find the following search options:

A selection can be made based on the following attributes:

  1. Employee
  2. Start Date/ End Date
  3. Activity type
  4. Linked to Invoice
  5. Contact
  6. Project

These selections can also be applied when creating a summary for management reports. The system has a number of default summaries. If you wish to have custom tailored summaries, please contact your account manager at BaseNet.

Modifying a project

BaseNet offers the possibility to move multiple hours to a different project. Search the hours of a particular project and check mark them. Click on Modify project, the following window will now appear:

Select the project. The contact will be selected based on the project. Click Modify and subsequently click Close Window.

Entering hours through the stopwatch

Actions ➤ Stopwatch

BaseNet’s stopwatch widget offers the possibility to automatically clock hours after particular activities such as sending an Email or completing a task. It is also possible to manually start and stop the stopwatch.

Company Settings ➤ Hours ➤ Automatic Registration

“Yes” will indicate that the Active Stopwatch Function has been activated, “No” will disable this function.

After making changes to the above settings make sure to click on Save and log out and once log back in once again in order for the changes to take place. After activating this setting the stop watch will automatically ask you whether you wish to clock the minutes you have spent performing a certain task.

For example, after hitting the send button of an Email (which took 10 minutes from opening the Email, to writing it and sending it) the widget will ask you whether you wish to bill the client for the Email by adding those 10 minutes to the invoice. Stopwatch functions can also be set to particular tasks (such as Email) by going to: Manage -> Company Settings -> Hours -> Default Activities.