From the “Manage Email Addresses” screen you can (as the title already indicates) manage Email addresses.
Which colleagues have access to your Email: From this menu you can indicate which colleagues gain access to your Email accounts. When having created this setting, the concerning colleague sees a “drop- down menu” with the concerning Email where he/ she can toggle between inboxes.
Which colleagues are allowed to send you Email concepts: Here you can specify which colleagues can send you Email concepts for you to revise and subsequently send.
Request to create a print out directly after sending an Email: This setting allows you to specify whether you wish to create a print out of an Email right after sending. Enabling this setting will make an additional setting appear in the “Post Send Options” window which appears right after sending an Email.
Always sending Bcc: Here a particular Email address can be specified. The system will then send a Bcc to a particular Email address after each outgoing message.
Linking a contact to a project by default: By enabling this setting the system will link a project to a particular contact by default.
Default Email template: Here a default Email template can be selected and by using the check mark box, you can specify whether the template should be filled in with each new Email. The latter is highly discouraged as the title and addressee is not automatically filled after the contact and project are entered.
Pre filled in sentence which is added at the beginning of each new Email response. This sentence is set to Dutch by default, however diverting to the English setting is possible.