The Intranet Portal is available as a supplementary component. The settings below only appertain to the acquired Intranet Portal.
h4.” Consult this link to see the monthly implementation costs. “:
“Automatic publication of Intranet Portal”
- Automatic publication of Intranet Events – Here you can specify whether you would like to publicise certain calendar events in the Intranet Portal by default.
- Automatic publication of Intranet Documents – Here you can specify whether you would like to publiciSe certain documents in the Intranet Portal by default.
- Automatic publication of Intranet Emails – Here you can specify whether you would like to automatically publicise certain Emails to the Intranet Portal by default.
- Automatic publication of Intranet Tasks – Here you can specify whether you would like to automatically publicise certain tasks to the Intranet Portal by default.
Notifications When publicising documents or Emails from your Intranet Portal, a notification Email could be set to be sent to the concerning Intranet User(s)/ Client(s) who have access credentials to the matter in question. When publicising a document, this option can be enabled by marking the box.