Entity: afsElement

Details about an afsElement, for instance a customAttribute. Custom attributes are new in AFD 2.0. They allow parties to temporarily define attributes that do not belong in the AFD 2.0 model: attributes that are not generic enough for the entire industry. Custom Attributes can be used, for example, for recording very specific underwriting questions (“Have you tried to take out insurance with Insurer A in the past 3 years?”), but also for very specific registration attributes (see example below: the contract number under which the customer was stored in the old administration of the insurer).

Example usage

"policy": [
			"entityType": "policyDetails",
			"processingCode": "1",
			"contractNumber": "5950001",
			"businessLine": "013",
			"porCompany": "A000",
			"carrierBusinessLineType": "010",
			"effectiveDate": "2022-01-01",
			"expiryDate": "2023-01-01",
			"afsElement": [ {
				"entityType": "customAttribute",
				"customAttributeName": "ContractnummerOudeSysteem",
				"customAttributeDescription": "Contractnummer waarin klant in ons vorige systeem bekend stond",
				"valueType": "01"

Entity types

The most recent overview of entity types is available in AFD 2.0 Online.


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