The SIVI All Finance Standard (SIVI AFS) is the next growth step in digitization within our industry. In 1985 it was “electronic (ADN) messaging”, in 2004 “Internet” and now it is “API”. In all three cases it is the stepping stone to a new era with a different way of working, but also in all three cases it is a stepping stone with a certain continuity for existing agreements. In 1985 it is the POR agreement for passing on current account data. In 2004 it is the ADN data catalog. Now it is the AFD 1.0 model and the AFD web services.
SIVI AFS is the basis for a digital ecosystem in which customers can obtain good service within the various distribution channels. Where good access to data and exchange of data is possible. Facilitating individual differences within digital collaboration. This is an ambitious goal and will require attention and commitment from the industry as a whole in the years to come. At the same time, it is also a necessary agenda because an open digital ecosystem within our industry is a precondition for further development and innovation.
There will be no ‘big bang’ migration. Where SIVI standards are used in ‘communities’ like VPI and GRS, SIVI will discuss the ambition and timeline with regard to migration to the new standards for each community. For the development of non-community related web services and the recording of data, organizations can make their own choices on migration to the SIVI All Finance Standard. To facilitate coexistence, SIVI provides extensive conversion support from AFD 1.0 to AFD 2.0 and vice versa. See the chapter Support and the SIVI website for more information.
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