The operation validation checks whether the object data are valid. An example of a validation is the check of the combination licence plate and chassis number for a motor vehicle.
How to use variants
The operation validation is a webservice call without a body. A filter containing an attribute name, operator and value is part of the query parameter in the request.
Example of a validation of a motor vehicle, using a chassis number and a report code in the query parameter _filter:
The output of the validation operation only returns an HTTP status code without a body. In case of valid data the code is 200, in case of invalid data the code is 204 (No content) and if the {objectName} is unknown or does not exist (for example a non-existing attribute name), the code is 404.
If a negative response is generated, that means the request is technically incorrect, it follows the general rules as described in the Error section of the HTTP status codes and error handling chapter.
The variant enables a differentiation in requirements to suit the specific situations (listed below), and for each variant, to which AFD structure it applies.
Variant | Description | object structure |
<default> | Validate the existence of the combination of values of attributes within a table/entity | Yes |
- <default> – Validate the existence of the combination of values of attributes within a table/entity
No particular variants exist for the operation ‘validation’, so only the variant ‘default’ applies.
More information on query parameters is available in Design principles.
Endpoint definition
The {objectName} is part of the endpoint below. In real life endpoints you should use the entityType of the object instead, for example the entityType
(see AFD 2.0 online).Method Endpoint Request Query
parameter(s)Response Remarks GET {uri } /objects/{objectName}/validation N/A _filter=[{attribute}|{operator}|{valueAttribute}] statusCode
Mandatory input and/or output (I/O) attributes
This operation does not contain any mandatory attributes, because only a HTTP status code is returned.
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